Batch Visualization on Andes ============================ It is best to work on ````. You will want to setup a new env for andes. We'll call it ``andes_env``. You need to load python with anaconda support there: .. prompt:: bash module load python/3.7-anaconda3 then setup ``conda``: .. prompt:: bash conda init bash this will modify your `.bashrc`, adding code that is specific to andes. Then you do: .. prompt:: bash conda create -n andes_env -y ipykernel nb_conda_kernels conda install -n andes_env -c conda-forge yt .. note:: If you want to install yt from source, then you would first clone the yt repo: .. prompt:: bash git clone Then in the top-level ``yt/`` directory, do: .. prompt:: bash pip install -e . If you have an existing yt installation, you can uninstall it first via: .. prompt:: bash pip uninstall yt Finally, you can activate the environment as: .. prompt:: bash source activate andes_env Then you can run a python script that does visualization as with the following submission script:: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH -A ast106 #SBATCH -J plots #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH -t 2:00:00 cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR source activate andes_env srun python flame_wave_1000Hz_25cm_smallplt203204 Here ```` is the script with the ``yt`` code to make the visualization. This is then submitted to SLURM via ``sbatch``. .. note:: For very large plotfiles, it might run out of memory when doing the visualization. A solution is to use the ``gpu`` nodes on Andes, which have more memory. This is accomplished by adding ``#SBATCH -p gpu`` to the script.