****************** Linux Workstations ****************** In general GCC 10.x works well on Linux workstations. GPU offloading ============== We use the GNU compilers to build with nvcc and CUDA. bender ------ Compile as:: module load gcc/7.3 make CUDA_VERSION=cc60 COMPILE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.3 \ USE_CUDA=TRUE COMP=gnu -j 4 To run the CUDA code path without GPU launching, add:: NO_DEVICE_LAUNCH=TRUE groot ----- We need to work around a bug in the headers in the default GCC 10.2 on groot, so we load an older version for the GPU build. Compile as:: module load gcc/7.3 make CUDA_VERSION=cc70 COMPILE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.3 \ USE_CUDA=TRUE COMP=gnu USE_MPI=FALSE -j 4 Remote vis with Jupyter ======================= You can connect to Jupyter on groot to do remote visualization. On groot, do:: jupyter lab --no-browser --ip="groot" on your workstation do:: ssh -N -L localhost:8888:groot:8888 groot.astro.sunysb.edu and enter your password. There will be no output---that command will just continue to run in the terminal window. Point your web browser to http://localhost:8888 . You will be prompted to add the token that appears in the groot window.