Archiving Data on Kronos

Kronos is the mass storage system at OLCF. Each user has a directory of the form:


and data can be transferred there using standard Unix commands.


You need to be logged into to access kronos. It is not visible directly from Frontier or Andes.

A submission / shell script pair that automates the transfer of data is available in workflow/job_scripts/hpss as:

  • olcf_kronos.submit : the slurm submission script

  • : a BASH script that finds output and automates the archiving.

You submit the job from the directory containing the plotfiles you wish to archive. It will then:

  • tar up the diagnostic files, inputs, and other metadata into a file with the date-stamp in the file name and copy that to kronos

  • find all of the plotfiles and tar them directly to kronos. If the tar is successful, it will move the plotfile into a plotfiles/ subdirectory and add a .processed file so the script knows it was archived already.

  • find the checkpoint files matching a pattern (currently defaults to every 5000 steps) and archive those in the same fashion, moving them to a checkfiles/ subdirectory once archived.

  • loop, looking for new output files

By default, it will not transfer the last file, in case it is actively being written to.


The olcf_kronos_once.submit can be used to just transfer without the loop waiting for new files.