Overview of Reaction Networks

Types of Networks

There are several different types of reaction networks in Microphysics. Largely these can be split into:

  • hardcoded networks: the structure of the network rates linking the nuclei was written by hand. Many of these networks are approximate networks where the links between two nuclei includes steps involving nuclei that are not directly represented in the network. Since the rates are hardcoded, it can be difficult to update the individual rates.

    A common example is to combine \((\alpha,\gamma)\) and \((\alpha,p)(p,\gamma)\) channels without explicitly including the protons or nuclei produced by the \((\alpha,p)\) reaction in the network. This reduces the size of the network at the expense of making the individual rates more complex.

    Many of these networks came from the collection of networks that Frank Timmes provides, and subsequently converted into C++ and adapted to our framework.

  • automatically-generated networks: these networks are automatically generated simply by providing a list of nuclei and having pynucastro find all of the linking rates. These can easily be regenerated to reflect new rates.

Network Requirements and Structure

A network both defines the composition advected by the hydro code as well as describes the burning processes between those isotopes. Evolving the species in a network requires an integrator. The design of Microphysics decouples the integrator from the network, allowing for the ability to swap integrators as desired. We discuss the integrators in a later section.

A network is defined by a .net file which provides a list of species and some data about each species (its name and some isotopic data).

An example is Microphysics/networks/iso7/iso7.net:

# This is a null network corresponding to the iso7 burner.

# name              short name      aion     zion
 helium-4                  He4       4.0      2.0
 carbon-12                 C12      12.0      6.0
 oxygen-16                 O16      16.0      8.0
 neon-20                  Ne20      20.0     10.0
 magnesium-24             Mg24      24.0     12.0
 silicon-28               Si28      28.0     14.0
 nickel-56                Ni56      56.0     28.0
 __extra_beryllium-8       Be8       8.0      4.0
 __extra_calcium-40       Ca40      40.0     20.0
 __extra_titanium-44      Ti44      44.0     22.0

Lines beginning with # are comments. In this example, there are 7 nuclei that are evolved in the network. We also have 3 additional nuclei prefixed with __extra_ – these nuclei will not be know to the ODE system but we will be able to access their properties (like \(A\) and \(Z\)) while constructing the righthand side of the network.

At build time, a file network_properties.H is automatically generated which contains a number of variables, including:

  • NumSpec : the number of species evolved in the network

  • NumSpecExtra : the number of evolved and “extra” species, as prefixed with __extra_ in the .net file.

  • NumAux : the number of auxiliary quantities needed by the network (these are not evolved).

  • aion[NumSpec] : the atomic weight (in atomic mass units) of the species. This includes the extra species.

  • zion[NumSpec] : the atomic number of the species. This includes the extra species.

  • spec_names[NumSpec] : a descriptive name of the species (e.g. “hydrogen-1”). This includes the extra species.

  • short_spec_names[NumSpec] : a shortened version of the species name (e.g. “H1”). This includes the extra species.

  • aux_names[NumAux]: the names of the auxiliary quantities

  • short_aux_names[NumAux] : a shortened version of the auxiliary name


A convention adopted in Microphysics is that each network is responsible for determining the energy release from a change in composition. Most networks will provide an array of the species binding energies and a routine to compute the energy yield from the reaction rates.

There are two primary files within each network directory.

  • actual_network.H (as well as actual_network_data.H and actual_network_data.cpp):

    This header defines data for the network such as enumerators for the reaction rates and the binding energies. The header must define the following function, which can be used to initialize any of the network’s internal data at runtime.

    • actual_network_init()

  • actual_rhs.H (as well as actual_rhs_data.H and actual_rhs_data.cpp):

    This header defines the functions which are used in the integrator for a burn:

    • actual_rhs_init()

    • actual_rhs(state, rhs)

    • actual_jac(state, jac)

    This supplies an interface for computing the right-hand-side of the network, the time-derivative of each species (and the temperature and nuclear energy release), as well as the analytic Jacobian. Both actual_rhs and actual_jac take as arguments a burn_t state and (respectively) the time-derivatives and Jacobian elements to fill in.


    Some networks do not provide an analytic Jacobian and instead rely on the numerical difference-approximation to the Jacobian. In this case, the interface actual_jac is still needed to compile.

Notice that these modules have initialization routines:

  • actual_network_init()

  • actual_rhs_init()

These must be called upon initialization. These should be not called within OpenMP parallel regions, because in general they will modify global data.

Note, depending on the network, some of these may do nothing, but these interfaces are all required for maximum flexibility.