Templated Network Righthand Sides

A network consists of evaluating the rates and screening, and then for each rate, adding or subtracting the appropriate contribution to the evolution equation for each nucleus it affects. That second part is something that can be automated, greatly simplifying the construction of the righthand side function (and Jacobian) as well as enabling optimizations.

The templated network righthand side functionality builds the righthand side function at compile time using C++ templates. For each reaction, we need to provide only a small amount of metadata. This greatly simplifies the networks. This infrastructure works for approximate networks as well as regular networks.

Consider a reaction of the form:


where A, B, C, D, E, and F are nuclei and nA, nB, nC, nD, nE, and nF are the number of each nuclei that participate in the reacton (these can be zero). This form of a reaction covers all of the cases we use in Microphysics.

For this reaction, the evolution equation for A would be:


where NAσvABC,DEF is the temperature portion of the reaction rate (cross section averaged over the velocity distribution), provide by nuclear reaction rate tables or fits from the nuclear experimental community.

For approximate networks, it may be the case that the exponent on Y is not the same as the number of nuclei involved, e.g., nA, so we will carry the exponents on Y(A), …, Y(F) as a, b, c, d, e, f, and instead write this as:


The properties of a templated network are contained in the network’s actual_network.H file.

Rate enum

A network using the templated RHS construction needs to provide an enum called Rates::NetworkRates that lists all of the reaction rates in the network. Only the forward rates need to be listed. The reverse rates will use the same rate index.


For some of the networks, we may not actually want to model the reverse rates, so the function that computes the reverse rate will simply return 0. But it is always carried in the reaction infrastructure.

Note: some of the reactions listed involve nuclei that are not present in the actual network (but represented as __extra_ nuclei. We call these reactions intermediate reactions. These are used as steps in building compound reaction sequences in approximate networks and are called upon via the additional reaction mechanism provided by the metadata (described below).


Every intermediate reaction is some other reaction’s additional reaction, but not necessarily vice versa.


With the above formulation, adding a rate to the network means supplying the nuclei (A, …), coefficients (nA, …), and the exponents (a, …).

The network provides a function that returns a rhs_t given a rate (passed in as an integer from an enum of all the rates that makeup the network). The function signature is:

constexpr rhs_t rhs_data (int rate)

At the core, this is just a switch statement on the rate index:

rhs_t data{};

switch rate {

  // fill the metadata of individual rates


For example, consider the reaction 4He+12C16O+γ. The metadata for this is initialized as:

data.species_A = C12;
data.species_B = He4;
data.species_D = O16;

data.number_A = 1.0_rt;
data.number_B = 1.0_rt;
data.number_D = 1.0_rt;

data.exponent_A = 1;
data.exponent_B = 1;
data.exponent_D = 1;

There are some additional fields in rhs_t that can be used in special cases (e.g., for approximate nets):

  • forward_branching_ratio, reverse_branching_ratio :

    Some reactions have multiple possible outcomes (or branches). For example, in aprox13, we have:


    To capture this, we would include this as:

    case C12_O16_to_Mg24_He4:
        data.species_A = C12;
        data.species_B = O16;
        data.species_D = Mg24;
        data.species_E = He4;
        data.number_A = 1.0_rt;
        data.number_B = 1.0_rt;
        data.number_D = 1.0_rt;
        data.number_E = 1.0_rt;
        data.exponent_A = 1;
        data.exponent_B = 1;
        data.exponent_D = 1;
        data.exponent_E = 1;
        data.forward_branching_ratio = 0.5_rt;
    case C12_O16_to_Si28:
        data.species_A = C12;
        data.species_B = O16;
        data.species_D = Si28;
        data.number_A = 1.0_rt;
        data.number_B = 1.0_rt;
        data.number_D = 1.0_rt;
        data.exponent_A = 1;
        data.exponent_B = 1;
        data.exponent_D = 1;
        data.forward_branching_ratio = 0.5_rt;

    This indicates that each branch happens 50% of the time.

  • apply_identical_particle_factor :

    Normally for rates involving identical nuclei, we divide the rate by a factor (n!, where n is the number of the same nuclei participating). This avoids double-counting.

    For some approximate networks, we want to skip this, since although the net reaction appears to have identical particles, it participates via a chain that does not need the identical particle factor.

    An example of this (from aprox19) is the rate P_P_N_N_to_He4, which represents


    In the approximation used in this network, this rate proceeds as the sequence:




    and none of the reactions in the sequence involve like-nuclei fusing.

  • rate_can_be_tabulated :

    To save on computation, we can create a table of reaction rates by evaluating over a grid of temperature and then interpolating in temperature as needed. This operates only on the NAσv portion of the rate.

    Some rates are more complex than fits into the rate tabulation scheme, and therefore we turn off the ability to tabulate by setting rate_can_be_tabulated = 0. For instance, this applies to weak rates and any rate that is actually a compound rate build up via a combination of intermediate rates.

  • additional_reaction_1, additional_reaction_2, additional_reaction_3 :

    Consider burning 24Mg to 28Si. We can imagine two sequences:




    In the approximate networks, we combine these two reaction sequences into a single effective rate. If we use the notation:


    and the reverse rate of λαp is noted as λpα.

    The effective rate combining these two channels is:


    To capture this approximation with our rate metadata, we specify the additional rates that are needed, and then in the loop over rates that follows their evaluation, we will arrange them into this approximation.

    The metadata for this reaction appears as:

    case Mg24_He4_to_Si28:
        data.species_A = Mg24;
        data.species_B = He4;
        data.species_D = Si28;
        data.number_A = 1.0_rt;
        data.number_B = 1.0_rt;
        data.number_D = 1.0_rt;
        data.exponent_A = 1;
        data.exponent_B = 1;
        data.exponent_D = 1;
        data.additional_reaction_1 = Mg24_He4_to_Al27_P;
        data.additional_reaction_2 = Al27_P_to_Si28;
  • screen_forward_reaction, screen_reverse_reaction :

    These fields indicate whether to compute and apply the screening factors to the reaction rates. Usually we will do this on all charged-particle reactions. For neutron or gamma capture reactions, screening should be manually disabled.

    Additionally, if a rate involves additional rates in a sequence, we sometimes disable screening, as the screening is instead applied to those additional rates.

Loop over Rates

The main logic for constructing RHS is contained in Microphysics/networks/rhs.H as rhs():

void rhs (burn_t& state, Array1D<Real, 1, neqs>& ydot)

The basic flow is:

  1. Convert the incoming mass fractions into molar fractions

  2. Compute the common temperature factors (used by rates) and composition factors (used by screening)

  3. Compute all of the intermediate rates.

    Since these rates are used multiple times, we compute them once and cache them. This is done solely for performance reasons, since computing the rates is expensive.

  4. Loop over rates

    1. Compute the rate if it is not an intermediate rate, otherwise, get the rate from the cache.

    2. Find any additional rates needed if this rate is actual a rate sequence. These additional rates are drawn from the cache.

    3. Post-process the rate. This is only done for rates that have additional rates. This is where we would combine the primary rate and additional rates into a single effective rate (like shown for the (α,γ) and (α,p)(p,γ) sequence above.

      If the rate has no additional rates, then this step is a no-op.

    4. Loop over species:

      • If the species is used by this rate, then add it to the ydot for the species.

        Note: we always add the forward and reverse rates paired together here. This greatly reduces roundoff error when the rates should drive us toward equilibrium.

  5. Evaluate the neutrino cooling term

  6. Compute the energy term from the ydot s.

Note that all of construction logic is done using constexpr expressions (including the for-loops), allowing all of this logic to be evaluated at compile time. This effectively means that the compiler writes out the full RHS for the network, leaving only the rate evaluation for runtime.


With the same rate infrastructure, we are able to provide an analytic Jacobian for our reaction networks. The overall structure is the same as the rhs() function described above.


We do one approximation to the species derivatives in the Jacobian. Some approximate networks have compound rates where NAσv can depend on composition, Y. We neglect this derivative in our Jacobian.

Testing has shown that this does not greatly affect the performance of the network.

Linear Algebra

The VODE integrator needs routines to do LU factorization and back substitution. We build off of the linpack dgefa and dgesl routines, using constexpr for-loops that know the network size at compile time.


These routines do not perform pivoting. This does not seem to be an issue for the types of matrices we solve with reactions (since they are all of the form IτJ, where tau is the timestep).