The Nyx executable reads run-time information from an “inputs” file which you put on the command line. This section describes the inputs which can be specified either in the inputs file or on the command line. If a value is specified on the command line, that value will override a value specified in the inputs file.
Problem Geometry¶
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
geometry.prob_lo | physical location of low corner of the domain | Real | must be set |
geometry.prob_hi | physical location of high corner of the domain | Real | must be set |
geometry.coord_sys | coordinate system | 0 = Cartesian, 1 = r-z, 2 = spherical | must be set |
geometry.is_periodic | is the domain periodic in this direction | 0 if false, 1 if true | 0 0 0 |
Examples of Usage¶
- geometry.prob_lo = 0 0 0 defines the low corner of the domain at (0,0,0) in physical space.
- geometry.prob_hi = 1.e8 2.e8 2.e8 defines the high corner of the domain at (1.e8,2.e8,2.e8) in physical space.
- geometry.coord_sys = 0 defines the coordinate system as Cartesian
- geometry.is_periodic = 0 1 0 says the domain is periodic in the y-direction only.
Domain Boundary Conditions¶
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
nyx.lo_bc | boundary type of each low face | 0,1,2,3,4,5 | must be set |
nyx.hi_bc | boundary type of each high face | 0,1,2,3,4,5 | must be set |
Boundary types are:
0 – Interior / Periodic | 3 – Symmetry |
1 – Inflow | 4 – Slip Wall |
2 – Outflow | 5 – No Slip Wall |
Note – nyx.lo_bc and nyx.hi_bc must be consistent with geometry.is_periodic – if the domain is periodic in a particular direction then the low and high bc’s must be set to 0 for that direction.
Examples of Usage¶
- nyx.lo_bc = 1 4 0
- nyx.hi_bc = 2 4 0
- geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 1
would define a problem with inflow (1) in the low-x direction, outflow(2) in the high-x direction, slip wall (4) on the low and high y-faces, and periodic in the z-direction.
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.n_cell | number of cells in each direction at the coarsest level | Integer > 0 | must be set |
amr.max_level | number of levels of refinement above the coarsest level | Integer >= 0 | must be set |
amr.ref_ratio | ratio of coarse to fine grid spacing between subsequent levels | 2 or 4 | must be set |
amr.regrid_int | how often to regrid | Integer > 0 | must be set |
amr.regrid_on_restart | should we regrid immediately after restarting | 0 or 1 | 0 |
Note: if amr.max_level = 0 then you do not need to set amr.ref_ratio or amr.regrid_int.
Examples of Usage¶
amr.n_cell = 32 64 64
would define the domain to have 32 cells in the x-direction, 64 cells in the y-direction, and 64 cells in the z-direction at the coarsest level. (If this line appears in a 2D inputs file then the final number will be ignored.)
- amr.max_level = 2would allow a maximum of 2 refined levels in addition to the coarse level. Note that these additional levels will only be created only if the tagging criteria are such that cells are flagged as needing refinement. The number of refined levels in a calculation must be \(\leq\) amr.max_level, but can change in time and need not always be equal to amr.max_level.
- amr.ref_ratio = 2 4would set factor 2 refinement between levels 0 and 1, and factor 4 refinement between levels 1 and 2. Note that you must have at least amr.>ax_level values of amr.ref_ratio (Additional values may appear in that line and they will be ignored).
- amr.regrid_int = 2 2tells the code to regrid every 2 steps. Thus in this example, new level-1 grids will be created every 2 level-0 time steps, and new level-2 grids will be created every 2 level-1 time steps.
The details of the regridding strategy are described in Section 5.5, but first we cover how the input parameters can control the gridding.
As described later, the user defines Fortran subroutines which tag individual cells at a given level if they need refinement. This list of tagged cells is sent to a grid generation routine, which uses the Berger–Rigoutsos algorithm to create rectangular grids that contain the tagged cells.
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.regrid_file | name of file from which to read the grids | text | no file |
amr.grid_eff | grid efficiency at coarse level at which grids are created | Real > 0, < 1 | 0.7 |
amr.n_error_buf | radius of additional tagging around already tagged cells | Integer >= 0 | 1 |
amr.max_grid_size | maximum size of a grid in any direction | Integer > 0 | 128 in 2D, 32 in 3D |
amr.max_grid_size | maximum size | Integer | 128 in 2D, 32 |
amr.blocking_factor | grid size must be a multiple of this | Integer > 0 | 2 |
amr.refine_grid_layout | refine grids more if # of processors \(>\) # of grids | 0 if false, 1 if true | 1 |
- amr.n_error_buf, amr.max_grid_size and amr.blocking_factor can be read in as a single value which is assigned to every level, or as multiple values, one for each level
- amr.max_grid_size at every level must be even
- amr.blocking_factor at every level must be a power of 2
- the domain size amr.n_cell must be a multiple of amr.blocking_factor at level 0
- amr.max_grid_size must be a multiple of amr.blocking_factor at every level
Examples of Usage¶
- amr.regrid_file = fixed_gridsIn this case the list of grids at each fine level are contained in the file fixed_grids, which will be read during the gridding procedure. These grids must not violate the amr.max_grid_size criterion. The rest of the gridding procedure described below will not occur if amr.regrid_file is set.
- amr.grid_eff = 0.9During the grid creation process, at least 90% of the cells in each grid at the level at which the grid creation occurs must be tagged cells. Note that this is applied at the coarsened level at which the grids are actually made, and before amr.max_grid_size is imposed.
- amr.max_grid_size = 64The final grids will be no longer than 64 cells on a side at every level.
- amr.max_grid_size = 64 32 16The final grids will be no longer than 64 cells on a side at level 0, 32 cells on a side at level 1, and 16 cells on a side at level 2.
- amr.blocking_factor = 32The dimensions of all the final grids will be multiples of 32 at all levels.
- amr.blocking_factor = 32 16 8The dimensions of all the final grids will be multiples of 32 at level 0, multiples of 16 at level 1, and multiples of 8 at level 2.
Having grids that are large enough to coarsen multiple levels in a V-cycle is essential for good multigrid performance in simulations that use self-gravity.
How Grids are Created¶
The gridding algorithm proceeds in this order:
- If at level 0, the domain is initially defined by n_cell as specified in the inputs file. If at level greater than 0, grids are created using the Berger–Rigoutsis clustering algorithm applied to the tagged cells, modified to ensure that the lengths of all new fine grids are divisible by blocking_factor.
- Next, the grid list is chopped up if any grids have length longer than max_grid_size. Note that because max_grid_size is a multiple of blocking_factor (as long as max_grid_size is greater than blocking_factor), the blocking_factor criterion is still satisfied.
- Next, if refine_grid_layout = 1 and there are more processors
than grids at this level, then the grids at this level are further
divided in order to ensure that no processor has fewer than one grid
(at each level).
- if max_grid_size / 2 in the BL_SPACEDIM direction is a multiple of blocking_factor, then chop the grids in the BL_SPACEDIM direction so that none of the grids are longer in that direction than max_grid_size / 2
- If there are still fewer grids than processes, repeat the procedure in the BL_SPACEDIM-1 direction, and again in the BL_SPACEDIM-2 direction if necessary
- If after completing a sweep in all coordinate directions with max_grid_size / 2, there are still fewer grids than processes, repeat the steps above with max_grid_size / 4.
Simulation Time¶
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
max_step | maximum number of level 0 time steps | Integer >= 0 | -1 |
stop_time | final simulation time | Real >= 0 | -1.0 |
nyx.final_a | final value of a | Real > 0 | -1.0 |
nyx.final_z | final value of z | Real > 0 | -1.0 |
To control the number of time steps, you can limit by the maximum number of level-0 time steps (max_step), or the final simulation time (stop_time), or both. The code will stop at whichever criterion comes first. Note that if the code reaches stop_time then the final time step will be shortened so as to end exactly at stop_time, not pass it.
If running in comoving coordinates you can also set a final value of \(a\) by setting nyx.final_a, or a final value of \(z\) by setting nyx.final_z. You may only specify one or the other of these. Once this value of \(a\) or \(z\) is reached in a time step, the code will stop at the end of this full coarse time step. (Note it does not stop at \(a\) (or \(z\)) exactly equal to the final value, rather it stops once \(a\) is greater than (or \(z\) is less than) this value.)
Examples of Usage¶
- max_step = 1000
- stop_time = 1.0
will end the calculation when either the simulation time reaches 1.0 or the number of level-0 steps taken equals 1000, whichever comes first.
Time Step¶
- If nyx.do_hydro\(= 1\), then typically the code chooses a time step based on the CFL number (dt = cfl * dx / max(u+c) ).
- If nyx.do_hydro\(= 0\) and we are running with dark matter particles, then we use a time step based on the velocity of the particles, i.e., we set \(\Delta t\) so that the particle goes no further than \(f \Delta t\) in a coordinate direction where \(0 \leq f \leq 1.\) The value for \(f\) is currently hard-wired in Particles.H, but it will become an inputs parameter.
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
nyx.cfl | CFL number for hydro | Real > 0 and <= 1 | 0.8 |
particles.cfl | CFL number for particles | Real > 0 and <= 1 | 0.5 |
nyx.init_shrink | factor by which to shrink the initial time step | Real > 0 and <= 1 | 1.0 |
nyx.change_max | factor by which the time step can grow in subsequent steps | Real >= 1 | 1.1 |
nyx.fixed_dt | level-0 time step regardless of cfl or other settings | Real > 0 | unused if not set |
nyx.initial_dt | initial level-0 time step regardless of other settings | Real > 0 | unused if not set |
nyx.dt_cutoff | time step below which calculation will abort | Real > 0 | 0.0 |
nyx.dt_binpow | time step chosen to be a power of a half times the comoving time step | Real >= 0 | -1.0 |
nyx.relative_max _change_a | max da/dt | Real > 0 | 0.01 |
nyx.absolute_max _change_a | a_new-a_old | Real > 0 | -1.0 |
Examples of Usage¶
- nyx.cfl = 0.9defines the timestep as dt = cfl * dx / umax_hydro.
- particles.cfl = 0.9defines the timestep as dt = cfl * dx / umax_particles where umax_particles is the maximum velocity of any particle in the domain.
- nyx.init_shrink = 0.01sets the initial time step to 1% of what it would be otherwise.
- nyx.change_max = 1.1allows the time step to increase by no more than 10% in this case. Note that the time step can shrink by any factor; this only controls the extent to which it can grow.
- nyx.fixed_dt = 1.e-4sets the level-0 time step to be 1.e-4 for the entire simulation, ignoring the other timestep controls. Note that if nyx.init_shrink \(\neq 1\) then the first time step will in fact be nyx.init_shrink * nyx.fixed_dt.
- nyx.initial_dt = 1.e-4sets the initial level-0 time step to be 1.e-4 regardless of nyx.cfl or nyx.fixed_dt. The time step can grow in subsequent steps by a factor of nyx.change_max each step.
- nyx.dt_cutoff = 1.e-20tells the code to abort if the time step ever gets below 1.e-20. This is a safety mechanism so that if things go nuts you don’t burn through your entire computer allocation because you don’t realize the code is misbehaving.
- nyx.dt_binpow = 1.0sets \(\mathrm{dt}=\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{n}\mathrm{dt}_{\mathrm{a}}|n:\mathrm{dt}_{\mathrm{cfl}}>\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{n}\mathrm{dt_{a}}\) where \(\mathrm{dt}_{\mathrm{cfl}}\) is determined by the more restrictive timestep of nyx.cfl and particles.cfl, and where \(\mathrm{dt}_{\mathrm{a}}\) is determined by the relative_max_change_a, absolute_max_change_a, and the evolution of \(\frac{da}{dt}\)
supports a number of different modes for subcycling in time.
- If amr.subcycling_mode\(=\)Auto (default), then the code will run with equal refinement in space and time. In other words, if level \(n+1\) is a factor of 2 refinement above level \(n\), then \(n+1\) will take 2 steps of half the duration for every level \(n\) step.
- If amr.subcycling_mode\(=\)None, then the code will not refine in time. All levels will advance together with a timestep dictated by the level with the strictest \(dt\). Note that this is identical to the deprecated command amr.nosub = 1.
- If amr.subcycling_mode\(=\)Manual, then the code will subcycle according to the values supplied by subcycling_iterations.
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.sub cycling_mode | How shall we subcycle | Auto, None or Manual | Auto |
amr.subcycli g_iterations | Number of cycles at each level | 1 or
ref_ratio |
must be set in Manual mode |
Examples of Usage¶
- amr.subcycling_mode\(=\)ManualSubcycle in manual mode with largest allowable timestep.
- amr.subcycling_iterations = 1 2 1 2Take 1 level-0 timestep at a time (required). Take 2 level-1 timesteps for each level-0 step, 1 timestep at level 2 for each level-1 step, and take 2 timesteps at level 3 for each level 2 step.
- amr.subcycling_iterations = 2Alternative form. Subcycle twice at every level (except level 0).
Restart Capability¶
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.check_file | prefix for restart files | String | “chk” |
amr.check_int | how often (by level-0 time steps) to write restart files | Integer \(> 0\) | -1 |
amr.check_per | how often (by simulation time) to write restart files | Real \(> 0\) | -1.0 |
amr.restart | name of the file (directory) from which to restart | String | not used if not set |
amr.checkpoint_files_output | should we write checkpoint files | 0 or 1 | 1 |
amr.check_nfiles | how parallel is the writing of the checkpoint files | Integer \(\geq 1\) | 64 |
amr.checkpoint_on_restart | should we write a checkpoint immediately after restarting | 0 or 1 | 0 |
- You should specify either amr.check_int or amr.check_per. Do not try to specify both.
- Note that if amr.check_per is used then in order to hit that exact time the code may modify the time step slightly, which will change your results ever so slightly than if you didn’t set this flag.
- Note that amr.plotfile_on_restart and amr.checkpoint_on_restart only take effect if amr.regrid_on_restart is in effect.
- See the Software Section for more details on parallel I/O and the amr.check_nfiles parameter.
- If you are doing a scaling study then set amr.checkpoint_files_output = 0 so you can test scaling of the algorithm without I/O.
Examples of Usage¶
amr.check_file = chk_run
amr.check_int = 10
means that restart files (really directories) starting with the prefix “chk_run” will be generated every 10 level-0 time steps. The directory names will be chk_run00000, chk_run00010, chk_run00020, etc.
If instead you specify
amr.check_file = chk_run
amr.check_per = 0.5
then restart files (really directories) starting with the prefix “chk_run” will be generated every 0.1 units of simulation time. The directory names will be chk_run00000, chk_run00043, chk_run00061, etc, where \(t = 0.1\) after 43 level-0 steps, \(t = 0.2\) after 61 level-0 steps, etc.
To restart from chk_run00061,for example, then set
- amr.restart = chk_run00061
Controlling PlotFile Generation¶
The main output from is in the form of plotfiles (which are really directories). The following options in the inputs file control the generation of plotfiles
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.plot_file | prefix for plotfiles | String | “plt” |
amr.plot_int | how often (by level-0 time steps) to write plot files | Integer \(> 0\) | -1 |
amr.plot_per | how often (by simulation time) to write plot files | Real \(> 0\) | -1.0 |
amr.plot_vars | name of state variables to include in plotfiles | ALL, NONE or list | ALL |
amr.derive_plot_vars | name of derived variables to include in plotfiles | ALL, NONE or list | NONE |
amr.plot_files_output | should we write plot files | 0 or 1 | 1 |
amr.plotfile_on_restart | should we write a plotfile immediately after restarting | 0 or 1 | 0 |
amr.plot_nfiles | how parallel is the writing of the plotfiles | Integer \(\geq 1\) | 64 |
nyx.plot_rank | should we plot the processor ID in the plotfiles | True / False | False |
fab.format | Should we write the plotfile in double or single precision | NATIVE or IEEE32 | NATIVE |
All the options for amr.derive_plot_vars are kept in derive_lst
in Nyx_setup.cpp
. Feel free to look at it and see what’s there.
- You should specify either amr.plot_int or amr.plot_per. Do not try to specify both.
- Note that if amr.plot_per is used then in order to hit that exact time the code may modify the time step slightly, which will change your results ever so slightly than if you didn’t set this flag.
- See the Software Section for more details on parallel I/O and the amr.plot_nfiles parameter.
- If you are doing a scaling study then set amr.plot_files_output = 0 so you can test scaling of the algorithm without I/O.
- By default, plotfiles are written in double precision (NATIVE format). If you want to save space by writing them in single precision, set the fab.format flag to IEEE32.
Examples of Usage¶
amr.plot_file = plt_run
amr.plot_int = 10
means that plot files (really directories) starting with the prefix “plt_run” will be generated every 10 level-0 time steps. The directory names will be plt_run00000, plt_run00010, plt_run00020, etc.
If instead you specify
amr.plot_file = plt_run
amr.plot_per = 0.5
then restart files (really directories) starting with the prefix “plt_run” will be generated every 0.1 units of simulation time. The directory names will be plt_run00000, plt_run00043, plt_run00061, etc, where \(t = 0.1\) after 43 level-0 steps, \(t = 0.2\) after 61 level-0 steps, etc.
Plotfile Variables¶
Native variables¶
These variables come directly from the StateData
, either the
(for the hydrodynamic variables), DiagEOS_Type
(for the nuclear energy generation quantities). PhiGrav_Type
(for the gravity quantities)
variable name | description | units |
density |
Baryonic mass density, \(\rho\) | M\(_\odot\) / Mpc\(^3\) |
xmom |
x-momentum, \((\rho u)\) | \({\rm g~km^{-2}~s^{-1}}\) |
ymom |
y-momentum, \((\rho v)\) | \({\rm g~km^{-2}~s^{-1}}\) |
zmom |
z-momentum, \((\rho w)\) | \({\rm g~km^{-2}~s^{-1}}\) |
rho_E |
Total energy density | \({\rm erg~km^{-3}}\) |
rho_e |
Internal energy density | \({\rm erg~km^{-3}}\) |
Temp |
Temperature | \({\rm K}\) |
Ne |
Number density of electrons | dimensionless |
(where X is H or He, the species
defined in the network) |
Mass density of species X (only valid for non- constant species) | dimensionless |
phiGrav |
Gravitational potential | \({\rm erg~g^{-1}}\) |
grav_x , grav_y ,
grav_z |
Gravitational acceleration | \({\rm km~s^{-2}}\) |
Derived variables¶
variable name | description | derive routine | units |
divu |
\(\nabla \cdot \ub\) | derdivu |
\({\rm s^{-1}}\) |
eint_e |
Specific internal energy computed from the conserved \((\rho e)\) state variable as \(e = (\rho e)/\rho\) | dereint2 |
\({\rm erg~g^{-1}}\) |
eint_E |
Specific internal energy computed from the total energy and momentum conserved state as \(e=[(\rho E)-\frac{1}{2}(\rho \ub^2)]/\rho\) | dereint1 |
\({\rm erg~g^{-1}}\) |
kineng |
Kinetic energy density, \(K = \frac{1}{2} |(\rho \ub)|^2\) | derkineng |
\({\rm erg~km^{-3}}\) |
logden |
\(\log_{10} \rho\) | derlogden |
M\(_\odot\) / Mpc\(^3\) |
MachNumber |
Fluid Mach number, \(|\ub|/c_s\) | dermachnumber |
– |
maggrav |
Gravitational acceleration magnitude | dermaggrav |
\({\rm km~s^{-2}}\) |
magmom |
Momentum density magnitude, \(|\rho \ub|\) | dermagmom |
\({\rm g~km^{-2}~s^{-1}}\) |
magvel |
Velocity magnitude, \(|\ub|\) | dermagvel |
\(\mathrm{km~s^{-1}}\) |
magvort |
Vorticity magnitude, \(|\nabla\times\ub|\) | dermagvort |
\({\rm s^{-1}}\) |
pressure |
Total pressure, including ions and electrons | derpres |
\({\rm dyn~km^{-2}}\) |
soundspeed |
Sound speed | dersoundspeed |
\(\mathrm{km~s^{-1}}\) |
H or He |
Mass fraction of species H or He | derspec |
– |
x_velocity ,
y_velocity ,
z_velocity |
Fluid velocity, \(\ub = (\rho \ub)/\rho\) | dervel |
\(\mathrm{km~s^{-1}}\) |
Screen Output¶
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
amr.v | verbosity of Amr.cpp | 0 or 1 | 0 |
nyx.v | verbosity of Nyx.cpp | 0 or 1 | 0 |
gravity.v | verbosity of Gravity.cpp | 0 or 1 | 0 |
mg.v | verbosity of multigrid solver (for gravity) | 0,1,2,3,4 | 0 |
particles.v | verbosity of particle-related processes | 0,1,2,3,4 | 0 |
amr.grid_log | name of the file to which the grids are written | String | not used if not set |
amr.run_log | name of the file to which certain output is written | String | not used if not set |
amr.run_log_terse | name of the file to which certain (terser) output is written | String | not used if not set |
amr.sum_interval | if \(> 0,\) how often (in level-0 time steps) | ||
to compute and print integral quantities | Integer | -1 |
Examples of Usage¶
- amr.grid_log = grdlogEvery time the code regrids it prints a list of grids at all relevant levels. Here the code will write these grids lists into the file grdlog.
- amr.run_log = runlogEvery time step the code prints certain statements to the screen (if amr.v = 1), such asSTEP = 1 TIME = 1.91717746 DT = 1.91717746PLOTFILE: file = plt00001Here these statements will be written into runlog as well.
- amr.run_log_terse = runlogterseThis file, runlogterse, differs from runlog in that it only contains lines of the form10 0.2 0.005in which “10” is the number of steps taken, “0.2” is the simulation time, and “0.005” is the level-0 time step. This file can be plotted very easily to monitor the time step.
- nyx.sum_interval = 2if nyx.sum_interval \(> 0\) then the code computes and prints certain integral quantities, such as total mass, momentum and energy in the domain every nyx.sum_interval level-0 steps. In this example the code will print these quantities every two coarse time steps. The print statements have the formTIME= 1.91717746 MASS= 1.792410279e+34for example. If this line is commented out then it will not compute and print these quanitities.
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
nyx.do_grav | Include gravity as a forcing term | 0 if false 1 if true | must be set |
gravity.no_sync | whether to perform the “sync solve” | 0 if false 1 if true | 0 |
gravity.no_composite | whether to perform a composite solve | 0 if false 1 if true | 0 |
- To include gravity you must set nyx.do_grav = 1 in the inputs file
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
nyx.do_hydro | Time-advance the fluid dynamical equations | 0 if false, 1 if true | must be set |
nyx.ppm_type | Use PPM or PLM for hydro advance | 0 for PLM 1 for PPM | 1 (PPM) |
nyx.enforce_min_density_type | how to enforce rho greater than small_dens | “floor” “cons” | “floor” |
nyx.strang_split | Use strang splitting | 0 if false, 1 if true | 1 |
nyx.sdc_split | Use sdc splitting | 0 if false, 1 if true | 0 |
nyx.strang_grown_box | Use growntilebox to avoid comms | 0 if false, 1 if true | 1 |
nyx.add_ext_src | Include additional user-specified source term | 0 if false, 1 if true | 0 |
nyx.nghost_state | Set number of ghost cells for state variables | {1,2,3,4} | 1 |
nyx.use_const_species | If 1 then read h_species and he_species | 0 or 1 | 0 |
nyx.h_species | Concentration of H | 0 \(<\) X \(<\) 1 | 0 |
nyx.he_species | Concentration of He | 0 \(<\) X \(<\) 1 | 0 |
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
nyx.comoving_OmM | Relative (total) mass density | 0 \(<\) X \(<\) 1 | must be set |
nyx.comoving_OmB | Relative baryon density | 0 \(<\) X \(<\) 1 | must be set |
nyx.comoving_OmR | Relative radiation density | 0 \(<\) X \(<\) 1 | must be set |
nyx.comoving_h | Dimensionless Hubble parameter | 0 \(<\) X \(<\) 1 | must be set |
nyx.gamma | Dimensionless factor relating \(p, \rho, e\) | 0 \(<\) X \(<\) 2 | \(5/3\) |
Examples of Usage¶
- nyx.gamma This changes \(\gamma\) in the \(\gamma\) law gas: \(p = (\gamma - 1) \rho e.\)
Reionization models¶
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
uvb_rates_file | Name of the UVB (TREECOOL) file | string | must be set |
uvb_density_A | Density-dependent heating | real | 1.0 |
uvb_density_B | Density dependent heating | real | 0.0 |
reionization_zHI_flash | Redshift of “flash” H reion. | 0 \(<\) X or -1 if off | -1.0 |
reionization_zHeII_flash | Redshift of “flash” He reion. | 0 \(<\) X of -1 if off | -1.0 |
inhomo_reion | Inhomogeneous reionization | 0 or 1 | 0 |
inhomo_zhi_file | File with reionization map | string | must be set (if used) |
inhomo_grid | Size of the reionization grid | integer | must be set (if used) |
reionization_T_zHI | H reionization heat input | real | 2.0e4 |
reionization_T_zHeII | He reionization heat input | real | 1.5e4 |
Multigrid Inputs¶
The following inputs can be set directly in the AMReX solver classes but we set them via the Nyx gravity routines.
These must be preceded by “gravity” in the inputs file:
Description | Type | Default | |
v | Verbosity of Gravity class | Int | 0 |
ml_tol | Relative tolerance for multilevel solves | Real | 1.e-12 |
sl_tol | Relative tolerance for single-level solves | Real | 1.e-12 |
delta_tol | Relative tolerance for synchronization solves | Real | 1.e-12 |
mlmg_agglomeration | Should we agglomerate deep in the V-cycle | Int | 1 |
mlmg_consolidation | Should we consolidate deep in the V-cycle | Int | 1 |
dirichlet_bcs | Should we use homogeneous Dirichlet bcs in the gravity solves (used for testing only) | Int | 0 |
These must be preceded by “mg” in the inputs file:
Description | Type | Default | |
v | Verbosity of multigrid solver | Int | 0 |
bottom_solver | What is the bottom solver? Options include “bicg”, “smoother”, “hypre”, etc | String | “bicg” |
max_fmg_iter | Maximum number of F-cycles to do before continuing with V-cycles in a multigrid solve | Int | 0 |
There are a number of additional inputs that can be used to control the multigrid solver.
See the AMReX Multigrid documentation for more details.
Memory Optimization¶
List of Parameters¶
Parameter | Definition | Acceptable Values | Default |
nyx.shrink_to_fit | Shrink Particle vector to save memory | 0 if false, 1 if true | |
nyx.minimize_memory | Use less temporary scratch memory in hydro | 0 if false, 1 if true | |
nyx.load_balance_int | How often to load-balance particles | Int < 0 if never Int > 0 | -1 |
nyx.load_balance_start_z | Redshift to start load-balancing particles | Real > 0 | 7.0 |
nyx.load_balance_wgt_stategy | Weight strategy to load-balance particles | {0, 1, 2} | 0 |
nyx.load_balance_wgt_nmax | Max ranks to load-balance particles | 0 < Int < Ranks | -1 |
nyx.load_balance_stategy | Dmap strategy type for particle load-balancing |