Getting Started

In this chapter we give an overview of MAESTROeX, including some of the standard problems, how to run the code, some basic runtime parameters, and how to look at the output.


MAESTROeX requires a C++ compiler that supports the C++17 standard and a C compiler that supports the C99 standard. Several compiler suites are supported, including GNU, Intel, LLVM and Cray. GNU Make (>= 3.82) is also required, as is Python (>= 3.9) and standard tools available in any Unix-like environments (e.g., Perl and sed).

For running in parallel, an MPI library and/or OpenMP is required. For running on GPUs, CUDA 11 or later is required (see GPU for more information).

Quick Start

Here we will run the standard reacting_bubble problem (three reacting bubbles in a plane-parallel stratified atmosphere) on a single processor [1]. This test problem was shown in paper 3.

  1. Get a copy of MAESTROeX.

    If you don’t already have a copy of MAESTROeX, you can obtain one from the project’s github page:  . There are several options: you can fork it directly on github (recommended if you intend to develop the code) or clone it using git from the project page by typing:

    git clone

    MAESTROeX is under active development, so you will want to keep in sync with the changes by periodically pulling from the repository. Simply type:

    git pull

    in the MAESTROeX/ directory.

  2. Get a copy of Microphysics.

    MAESTROeX and its compressible counterpart CASTRO share a common-set of microphysics solvers (nuclear reaction networks and equations of state). These are kept in a separate repo. There are two ways to access the Microphysics repo: you can use a submodule or clone the Microphysics repo itself.

    If you choose to use the submodule, enter the MAESTROeX/ directory and type:

    git submodule init

    Note that in the future when you pull MAESTROeX, to make sure the Microphysics submodule is also updated you must instead use:

    git pull --recurse-submodules

    Alternatively, you can run the following command on your system to ensure that updating the submodules upon a git pull is the default behavior:

    git config --global submodule.recurse true

    If you choose to use the Microphysics repo directly, it is available on github and can be obtained via:

    git clone

    Next you must specify the path to the Microphysics repository as a global environment variable on your machine, MICROPHYSICS_HOME

    You will periodic want to update Microphysics by doing:

    git pull

    in the Microphysics/ directory.

  3. Get a copy of AMReX.

    MAESTROeX requires the AMReX library to manage the grids and parallelization. We also rely on the build system in AMReX to build a MAESTROeX executable. AMReX is also available on github and can be obtained via:

    git clone

    You will periodic want to update AMReX by doing:

    git pull

    in the amrex/ directory.

  4. Setup your shell environment.

    MAESTROeX needs to know where to find AMReX, by specifying the AMREX_HOME environment variable, and where to find Microphysics, by specifying the MICROPHYSICS_HOME environment variable.

    If your shell is Bash, add:

    export AMREX_HOME="/path/to/amrex/"
    export MICROPHYSICS_HOME="/path/to/Microphysics/"

    to your .bashrc.

    If your shell is Csh/Tcsh, add:

    setenv AMREX_HOME /path/to/amrex/
    setenv MICROPHYSICS_HOME /path/to/Microphysics/

    to your .cshrc.

    Note: you must specify the full path to the amrex/ and Microphysics/ directory. Do not use “\(\sim\)” to refer to your home directory—the scripts used by the build system will not be able to process this.

  5. Setup the problem’s GNUmakefile.

    In MAESTROeX, each problem lives under one of three sub-directories of MAESTROeX/Exec/: SCIENCE/, TEST_PROBLEMS/, or UNIT_TESTS/. This problem sub-directory will contain any problem-specific files as well as the GNUmakefile that specifies how to build the executable. Note: we rely on features of GNU make. Full details of the GNUmakefile can be found in § Adding A New Problem. Here we will configure for a serial build.

    Change directory to MAESTROeX/Exec/TEST_PROBLEMS/reacting_bubble/. We only need to worry about the options at the very top of the GNUmakefile for now. These should be set as follows:

    • DEBUG := TRUE

      This option determines whether we compile with support for less-optimized code with debugging runtime checks. Setting DEBUG := FALSE turns off debugging.

    • DIM := 2

      The dimensionality of the problem must be specified at compile-time.

    • COMP := gnu

      This option specifies the gnu compiler suite (e.g., g++). We will use gnu, which is the preferred compiler suite for MAESTROeX. Specifying this compiler will automatically pull in the compiler settings as specified in AMREX_HOME/Tools/GNUMake/Make.defs. (Alternate compiler choices include intel, cray, and pgi.

    • USE_MPI := TRUE

      This determines whether we are doing a parallel build, using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library. If you set this option to FALSE, you will disable MPI and will build MAESTROeX in serial mode, so no MPI library needs to be present on the host system.

    • USE_OMP := FALSE

      This determines whether we are using OpenMP to do parallelism within a shared memory node. OpenMP is used together with MPI, with MPI distributing the grids across the processors and within a shared-memory node, OpenMP allows many cores to operate on the same grid. For now, we leave this option as FALSE, disabling OpenMP.


      Some test problems in MAESTROeX do not use reactions, so there is an option to disable the compilation of reaction-specific source code.


      Profiling tool that generates a text file with profiling information. Refer to the AMReX User’s Guide at


      More advanced profiling tool that generates a text file with profiling information, or data files that can be interpreted with a special build of amrvis. Selecting TRUE overrides the TINY_PROFILE setting. Refer to the AMReX User’s Guide at

  6. Build the executable.

    Type make. The build system will first find the dependencies amongst all the source files and then build the executable. When finished, the executable will have a name like Maestro2d.gnu.DEBUG.MPI.ex, where the specific parts of the name depend on the options used in GNUmakefile.

    Note, at the end of the build process, a link will be made in the current directory to the data table needed for the equation of state (Microphysics/EOS/helmholtz/helm_table.dat).

  7. Run!

    Each problem requires an input file. The inputs file consists of lines of the form parameter = value, where parameter is one of the many runtime parameters MAESTROeX knows, and value overrides the default value for that parameter. For the reacting_bubble problem, we will use the inputs file inputs_2d_C. An overview of some of the more common runtime parameters is given in § 5, and a full list of all MAESTROeX runtime parameters and their default values is given in Chapter Runtime Parameters.

    MAESTROeX is run simply as:

    ./Maestro2d.gnu.DEBUG.MPI.ex inputs_2d_C

    or to run in parallel on a local workstation:

    mpiexec -n 4 ./Maestro2d.gnu.DEBUG.MPI.ex inputs_2d_C

    We can also override the default value of any runtime parameter by specifying it on the commandline as, e.g.,:

    ./Maestro2d.gnu.DEBUG.MPI.ex inputs_2d_C maestro.max_step=0 amr.n_cell=192 320

    As the code runs, a lot of information will pass through the screen. For each timestep, each of the steps 1 through 12 shown in the MAESTROeX flowchart (Chapter Governing Equations) will be shown along with diagnostic information about the solution. Upon completion some memory usage information is printed.

  8. Examine the output.

    As the code runs, it will output both plotfiles and checkpoints as well as one or more text diagnostic files (this is currently only implemented for spherical problems) with integral or extrema information (like maximum Mach number) from each timestep.

    By default, the plotfiles will be named pltnnnnnnn, where the number nnnnnnn is the timestep number when the file was outputted. Similarly, the checkpoints are named chknnnnnnn. AMReX plotfiles and checkpoints are actually directories, with the data stored in sub-directories grouped by refinement level. Details of the simulation (build information, number of processors used, output date, output directory, runtime parameter values, …) are stored in the plaintext job_info file in each plotfile and checkpoint directory.


    unless otherwise specified all quantities in MAESTROeX are assumed to be in CGS units.

    Visualization of results is described in the next section.

Working with the Output

Visualization and analysis are done on the plotfiles. A number of in-house and externally developed tools can work with AMReX-formatted plotfiles [2]. An example plot of the reacting_bubble problem run above is shown in the figure below:

AmrPostprocessing plot

Fig. 3 Visualization of the final output of the reacting_bubble problem showing the temperature field (as derived from the pressure). This plot was done with the AmrPostprocessing tools.


Amrvis is an easy-to-use visualization tool developed at LBL for 2- and 3D datasets which can plot slices through 3D datasets as well as volume-renderings. It can also very easily extract 1D lines through the dataset along any coordinate direction. It is distributed separately from the MAESTROeX distribution.

Amrvis can be obtained via git from github as:

git clone

Also, to build a 3D version of Amrvis you need to obtain volpack using:

git clone

Amrvis uses the Motif library for defining the GUI. On a Linux system, you may need to install the lesstif package and any related development packages (e.g. lesstif-devel). Depending on your Linux system, you may also need to install libXpm and related development packages (e.g. libXpm-devel).

AmrPostprocessing scripts

Several useful analysis scripts can be found in the amrex-astro-diag project:


VisIt is a DOE-supported visualization tool for 2- and 3D datasets. It can do contouring, volume rendering, streamlines, …  , directly from AMReX plotfiles. Details on VisIt can be found at: . The easiest way to get started with VisIt is to download a precompiled binary from the VisIt webpage.

Once VisIt is installed, you can open a AMReX plotfile by pointing VisIt to the Header file in the plotfile directory.


yt (version 3.0 and later) can natively read the MAESTROeX plotfiles. See the yt documentation or § Visualizing with yt.

Diagnostic Files

By default, MAESTROeX outputs global diagnostics each timestep into 3 files called diag_vel.out, diag_temp.out, and diag_enuc.out for spherical problems (ex. wdconvect). These include various properties such as the maximum Mach number, peak temperature, and peak nuclear energy generation rate, respectively. Individual problems can provide their own diag.F90 file to produce custom diagnostic output. This information can be plotted directly with GNUplot, for example.

Development Model

When you clone MAESTROeX from github, you will be on the main branch of the repo. New changes to MAESTROeX are first introduced into the development branch in the MAESTROeX git repository. Nightly regression tests are run on development to ensure that our answers don’t change. Around the first work day of each month, we merge from development \(\rightarrow\) main (assuming tests pass) and tag the state of the code with a date-based tag YY-MM. We do this on all the other repos in the AMReX-ecosystem, including amrex/, Microphysics/, and Castro/.

If you want to contribute to MAESTROeX’s development, issue a pull-request through GitHub from your fork of MAESTROeX and target the development branch. (If you mistakenly target main, we can change it for you.)

Parallel Jobs

To run in parallel with MPI, you would set USE_MPI := TRUE in your GNUmakefile. For a machine with working MPI compiler wrappers (mpif90 and mpicc), the build system should find these and compile with MPI support automatically. This is the easiest way to do a parallel build, and should work on most Linux systems.

More generally, the build system needs to know about your MPI installation. For popular national computing facilities, this is already setup, and the build system looks at the machine hostname to set the proper libraries. For other machines, you may need to edit the GMake.MPI file in the AMReX build files. See § MAESTROeX Build System for more details.

OpenMP can be used to parallelize on shared-memory machines (i.e. within a node). OpenMP support is accomplished through the compiler. Setting:


in the GNUmakefile will enable the proper compiler flags to build with OpenMP. Note: not all MAESTROeX modules have OpenMP support.