Parameters by Namespace
namespace: cj
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e-10 |
1.e5 |
1.e5 |
namespace: conductivity
parameter |
description |
default value |
constant value of the conductivity, in erg/s/cm/K |
1.0e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
opacity value, in units of cm**2/g |
7.0e-2 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
proportionality constant, C, in k = C T**m |
1.0 |
temperature exponent, m, in k = C T**m |
1.0 |
namespace: eos
parameter |
description |
default value |
0.e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
ratio of specific heats |
5.e0/3.e0 |
when computing mu / Abar, do we assume that the composition is atoms or ionized, and therefore include the electron contributions separately? |
1 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
use the Coulomb corrections |
1 |
Force the EOS output quantities to match input |
1 |
Tolerance for iterations with respect to temperature |
1.0e-8 |
Tolerance for iterations with respect to density |
1.0e-8 |
Density target for radiation pressure smoothing (negative means smoothing is disabled) |
-1.0e0 |
Density gradient for radiation pressure smoothing (negative means smoothing is disabled) |
-1.0e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.4 |
define the specie names, and their masses and gammas |
“co_total” |
5./3. |
0.0 |
“h2o_total” |
5./3. |
0.0 |
“elec” |
5./3. |
9.10938188e-28 |
“hp” |
5./3. |
1.67262158e-24 |
“h” |
5./3. |
1.67353251819e-24 |
“hm” |
5./3. |
1.67444345638e-24 |
“dp” |
5./3. |
3.34512158e-24 |
“d” |
5./3. |
3.34603251819e-24 |
“h2p” |
1.4 |
3.34615409819e-24 |
“dm” |
5./3. |
3.34694345638e-24 |
“h2” |
1.4 |
3.34706503638e-24 |
“hdp” |
1.4 |
5.01865409819e-24 |
“hd” |
1.4 |
5.01956503638e-24 |
“hepp” |
5./3. |
6.69024316e-24 |
“hep” |
5./3. |
6.69115409819e-24 |
“he” |
5./3. |
6.69206503638e-24 |
“cp” |
5./3. |
2.007528417094e-23 |
carbon cannot be declared as c because it conflicts with namespace C used for physical constants |
“carbon” |
5./3. |
2.0076195109128e-23 |
“ch” |
1.4 |
2.1749727627316e-23 |
“ch2” |
1.4 |
2.3423260145503998e-23 |
“ch3” |
1.4 |
.5096792663692e-23 |
“op” |
5./3. |
2.6767349207316e-23 |
“o” |
5./3. |
2.6768260145504e-23 |
“ch4” |
1.4 |
2.677032518188e-23 |
“ohp” |
1.4 |
2.8440881725504e-23 |
“oh” |
1.4 |
2.8441792663692003e-23 |
“h2op” |
1.4 |
3.0114414243692e-23 |
“h2o” |
1.4 |
3.011532518188e-23 |
“h3op” |
1.4 |
3.178794676188e-23 |
“cop” |
1.4 |
4.6843544316444e-23 |
“co” |
1.4 |
4.6844455254632e-23 |
“o2p” |
1.4 |
5.353560935282e-23 |
“o2” |
1.4 |
5.3536520291008e-23 |
“co2” |
1.4 |
7.3612715400136e-23 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
default ratio of specific heats used for all components unless specified explicitly as species a, b, or c |
1.4 |
name of species “a” |
“” |
ratio of specific heats for species “a” |
1.4 |
name of species “b” |
“” |
ratio of specific heats for species “b” |
1.4 |
name of species “c” |
“” |
ratio of specific heats for species “c” |
1.4 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
polytrope type: 1 is non-relativistic, fully degenerate electron gas; 2 is fully-relativistic, fully degenerate gas. If these are set, then only pulytrope_mu_e needs to be set. |
0 |
density exponent for pressure, P = K rho**gamma |
0.0e0 |
proportionality constant in EOS, P = K rho**gamma |
0.0e0 |
mean molecular weight per electron for the cases when polytrope_type is 1 or 2. In that case, we have P = K (rho / mu_e)**gamma |
2.0e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.4 |
define the specie names, and their masses and gammas |
“elec” |
5./3. |
9.10938188e-28 |
“hp” |
5./3. |
1.67262158e-24 |
“h” |
5./3. |
1.67353251819e-24 |
“hm” |
5./3. |
1.67444345638e-24 |
“dp” |
5./3. |
3.34512158e-24 |
“d” |
5./3. |
3.34603251819e-24 |
“h2p” |
1.4 |
3.34615409819e-24 |
“dm” |
5./3. |
3.34694345638e-24 |
“h2” |
1.4 |
3.34706503638e-24 |
“hdp” |
1.4 |
5.01865409819e-24 |
“hd” |
1.4 |
5.01956503638e-24 |
“hepp” |
5./3. |
6.69024316e-24 |
“hep” |
5./3. |
6.69115409819e-24 |
“he” |
5./3. |
6.69206503638e-24 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
specific heat proportionality constant, K, c_v = K rho**m T**(-n) |
-1.e0 |
specific heat density exponent, m, c_v = K rho**m T**(-n) |
0.e0 |
specific heat (negative) temperature exponent, n, c_v = K rho**m T**(-n) |
0.e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
0.5 |
1.3 |
minimum energy |
1.6e11 |
reference density |
2.7 |
1.8e11 |
1.8e11 |
3.5e10 |
1.8e11 |
5.0 |
5.0 |
specific heat |
7.9e6 |
namespace: integrator
parameter |
description |
default value |
Normally we update the temperature during a burn to be consistent with the current internal energy. This is done with an EOS call, which can be turned off if desired. This will freeze the temperature and specific heat to the values at the beginning of the burn, which is inaccurate but cheaper. |
1 |
Allow the energy integration to be disabled by setting the RHS to zero. |
1 |
Whether to use an analytical or numerical Jacobian. 1 == Analytical 2 == Numerical |
1 |
Should we print out diagnostic output after the solve? |
0 |
relative tolerance for species |
1.e-12 |
relative tolerance for energy |
1.e-6 |
absolute tolerance for species |
1.e-8 |
absolute tolerance for energy |
1.e-6 |
Whether to renormalize the mass fractions at each step in the evolution so that they sum to unity. |
0 |
The absolute cutoff for species – note that this might
be larger than |
1.0e-30 |
The maximum temperature for reactions in the integration. |
1.0e11 |
boost the reaction rates by a factor > 1 |
-1.e0 |
maximum number of timesteps for the integrator |
150000 |
maximum timestep for the integrator |
1.e30 |
Whether to use Jacobian caching in VODE |
1 |
Inputs for generating a Nonaka Plot (TM) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
“nonaka_plot.dat” |
do we retry a failed burn with different parameters? |
0 |
do we swap the Jacobian (from analytic to numerical or vice versa) on a retry? |
1 |
relative tolerance for species on retry |
-1 |
relative tolerance for energy on retry |
-1 |
absolute tolerance for species on retry |
-1 |
absolute tolerance for energy on retry |
-1 |
in the clean_state process, do we clip the species such that they are in [0, 1]? |
1 |
flag for turning on the use of number densities for all species |
0 |
flag for tuning on the subtraction of internal energy |
1 |
do we scale the ODE system we integrate to make it O(1)? for Strang, this simply means scaling e by the initial energy? |
0 |
for SDC+NSE, when estimating the derivatives of the NSE table quantities, what fraction of dt do we use for the finite-difference estimate |
0.05 |
for NSE update, do we include the weak rate neutrino losses? |
1 |
for the linear algebra, do we allow pivoting? |
1 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
Maximum number of iterations for the Newton solve |
25 |
tolerance for the Newton solve |
1.e-10 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
Maximum amount any quantity can change by in a timestep |
1.001 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
Allowable difference between the predictor and corrector |
0.01 |
Threshold factor on the error criterion used in timestep selection |
10.0 |
Maximum number of iterations on the timestep constraint loop |
10 |
Maximum number of iterations on the corrector loop |
1 |
Maximum factor that dt is allowed to grow per timestep |
1.05 |
Multiply the timestep by this factor when we outright reject it |
0.5 |
Reject a species update if X < -tol or X > 1.0 + tol |
0.01 |
Scale factor for initial timestep |
0.01 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
do we scale the ODE system we integrate to make it O(1)? for Strang, this simply means scaling e by the initial energy? |
1 |
use the Gershgorin circle theorem to estimate the spectral radius? note: requires integrator.scale_system = 1 |
1 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
for the step rejection logic on mass fractions, we only consider species that are > X_reject_buffer * atol_spec |
1.0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
override the default tolerances for backwards compatibility |
1.0e-11 |
1.0e-12 |
1.0e-8 |
1.0e-8 |
override so that the default is an analytical Jacobian |
1 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
override the default tolerances for backwards compatibility |
1.0e-12 |
1.0e-12 |
1.0e-8 |
1.0e-6 |
override so that the default is an analytical Jacobian |
1 |
namespace: network
parameter |
description |
default value |
3.e8 |
3.e9 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.01 |
0.88 |
temperature above which we always assume NSE, regardless of composition note: rho_nse is still considered. |
9.e9 |
factor (< 1) by which to relax the criteria for entering NSE. This is only applied after a failed burn. |
1.0 |
do we do tri-linear or tri-cubic interpolation on the table? |
0 |
cutoff for species mass fractions |
1.e-30 |
Should we use rate tables if they are present in the network? |
0 |
Should we use Deboer + 2017 rate for c12(a,g)o16? |
0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
0 |
0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
0 |
0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
0 |
0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
cutoff for species mass fractions |
1.e-100 |
redshift for metal chem (Pop II/I star formation) |
0e0 |
metallicity for metal chem (Pop II/I star formation) |
1e0 |
dust to gas ratio relative to solar |
1e0 |
Cosmic ray ionization rate (per s) |
0e0 |
Av |
0e0 |
H ionization rate (per s) |
0e0 |
H2 ionization rate (per s) |
0e0 |
H2 dissociation rate (per s) |
0e0 |
C ionization rate (per s) |
0e0 |
O ionization rate (per s) |
0e0 |
CO dissociation rate (per s) |
0e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
the coefficient for the reaction rate |
1.e0 |
exponent for the temperature |
4.e0 |
reaction specific q-value (in erg/g) |
10.e0 |
reaction thresholds (for the power law) |
1.0e0 |
1.0e0 |
1.0e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
cutoff for species mass fractions |
1.e-100 |
assumed redshift for primordial chem (Pop III star formation) |
30e0 |
namespace: nse
parameter |
description |
default value |
max iterations for NSE Newton-Raphson Solver |
500 |
Choose NSE solver. 1 == hybrid powell 0 == Newton- Raphson |
1 |
Tolerance used in the NSE-Grouping process |
0.1 |
Tolerances for molar fraction comparison |
0.005 |
0.2 |
Whether NSE depends on the size of the cell. This is the requirement that the reaction timescale must be smaller than the sound crossing time 1 == independent 0 == dependent |
0 |
Whether to use NSE mass fractions for NSE grouping This makes NSE Grouping process solely dependent on the thermodynamic condition |
0 |
Whether the initial molar fraction check is skipped when integration failed. |
0 |
Set this to a positive number to make use simple temperature threshold of determining NSE after the initial molar fraction check. |
-1.0 |
Minimum Temperature required for NSE |
4.0e9 |
namespace: opacity
parameter |
description |
default value |
Opacity constant (Planck) |
-1.0e0 |
Density exponent (Planck) |
0.0e0 |
Temperature exponent (Planck) |
0.0e0 |
Frequency exponent (Planck) |
0.0e0 |
Opacity constant (Rosseland) |
-1.0e0 |
Density exponent (Rosseland) |
0.0e0 |
Temperature exponent (Rosseland) |
0.0e0 |
Frequency exponent (Rosseland) |
0.0e0 |
Opacity constant (scattering) |
0.0e0 |
Density exponent (scattering) |
0.0e0 |
Temperature exponent (scattering) |
0.0e0 |
Frequency exponent (scattering) |
0.0e0 |
Opacity floor |
0.0e0 |
Temperature floor |
1.e-10 |
namespace: screening
parameter |
description |
default value |
0 |
0 |
1.01e0 |
namespace: unit_test
parameter |
description |
default value |
“” |
“” |
“” |
1.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
do we set all of the mass fractions equal (to 1/NumSpec)? |
0 |
lowest temperature allowed in the EOS |
1.e5 |
lowest density allowed in the EOS |
1.e5 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e10 |
5 |
1.e9 |
1.e10 |
5 |
0.4 |
0.7 |
7 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
“” |
the final time to integrate to |
1.e3 |
first output time – we will output in nsteps logarithmically spaced steps between [tfirst, tmax] |
0.0 |
number of steps (logarithmically spaced) |
100 |
1.e7 |
1.e9 |
4 |
6.e9 |
8.e9 |
4 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
the final time to integrate to |
1.e-2 |
first output time – we will output in nsteps logarithmically spaced steps between [tfirst, tmax] |
0.0 |
number of steps (logarithmically spaced) |
100 |
1.e7 |
3.e9 |
0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
“burn_cell_metal_chem” |
floor values of temperature and density |
1.e1 |
1.e-30 |
the final time to integrate to |
1.e20 |
tff_reduc reduces the calculated freefall time to accordingly increase the density during the single zone burn |
1.e-1 |
first output time – we will output in nsteps logarithmically spaced steps between [tfirst, tmax] |
0.0 |
number of steps for the single zone burn |
1000 |
initial number density and temperature |
1e-1 |
1e2 |
list of species and their number densities used in the network (39 if including deuterium) |
1.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
“burn_cell_primordial_chem” |
floor values of temperature and density |
1.e1 |
1.e-30 |
the final time to integrate to |
1.e20 |
tff_reduc reduces the calculated freefall time to accordingly increase the density during the single zone burn |
1.e-1 |
first output time – we will output in nsteps logarithmically spaced steps between [tfirst, tmax] |
0.0 |
number of steps for the single zone burn |
1000 |
initial temperature |
1e2 |
list of species and their number densities used in the network (14 if including deuterium) |
1.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
the final time to integrate to |
1.e-2 |
first output time – we will output in nsteps logarithmically spaced steps between [tfirst, tmax] |
0.0 |
number of steps (logarithmically spaced) |
100 |
do we recompute the aux quantities? or do we take them as given in the inputs? |
0 |
1.e7 |
3.e9 |
-1.e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
-5.0 |
-12.0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e7 |
3.e9 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e7 |
3.e9 |
0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
“” |
1.e7 |
3.e9 |
0.75 |
-3.0 |
-12.0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e10 |
5 |
4.0e9 |
1.e10 |
10 |
0.4 |
0.7 |
7 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.23e9 |
5.18e9 |
0.472 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
5.e9 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e12 |
0.1e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e12 |
0.1e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e12 |
0.1e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e15 |
0 |
0.1e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e12 |
0.1e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.23e9 |
5.18e9 |
0.472 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e12 |
“test” |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e15 |
0.1e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e15 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e12 |
0.1e0 |
1 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e6 |
1.e9 |
1.e6 |
1.e15 |
0.1e0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
1.e7 |
3.e9 |
1.e-7 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |
0.0e0 |