Build System Overview

Make Parameters

These build parameters control the parallelism, included physics, etc. In general they can be set to TRUE or FALSE. The Castro-specific ones are interpreted by Make.Castro.

A lot of optional features are enabled at compile time. This allows Castro to reduce the memory footprint of the state arrays by not allocating space for variables that are not used.

General Build Parameters

These Parameters affect the build (parallelism, performance, etc.) Most of these are parameters from AMReX.

  • USE_ALL_CASTRO: compile all of the core Castro directories. This is the default (TRUE), and should not be changed for general simulations. The purpose of this flag is for unit tests, which do not need all of the Castro directories compiled.

  • USE_AMR_CORE: compile all of the core AMReX directories, including Base/, AmrCore/, Amr/, and Boundary/. This defaults to TRUE and should be left set for Castro simulations. The purpose of this flag is for unit tests that don’t need all of AMReX.

  • USE_MLMG: use the AMReX multi-level multigrid solver for gravity and diffusion. This should always be set to TRUE.

  • USE_HYPRE: compile in the Hypre library. This will be automatically enabled for radiation. You need to specify the path to the Hypre library via either HYPRE_DIR or HYPRE_OMP_DIR.

Parallelization and GPUs

The following parameters control how work is divided across nodes, cores, and GPUs.

  • USE_MPI: compile with the MPI library to allow for distributed parallelism.

  • USE_OMP: compile with OpenMP to allow for shared memory parallelism.

  • USE_CUDA: compile with NVIDIA GPU support using CUDA.

  • USE_HIP: compile with AMD GPU support using HIP.

General Physics Parameters

The following parameters control how the coupling between hydro and reactions is handled.

  • USE_SIMPLIFIED_SDC: use the simplified spectral deferred corrections (SDC) solver for coupling hydro and reactions. At the moment, this works with the CTU hydrodynamics solver. This requires running with castro.time_integration_method = 3.

  • USE_TRUE_SDC: use the true SDC method to couple hydro and reactions. This can do 2nd order or 4th order accuracy. At the moment, this works on single level only. This requires running with castro.time_integration_method = 2.

Radiation Parameters

  • USE_RAD: use photon radiation diffusion. Note, For multigroup radiation, you need to set the number of radiation groups. This is controlled by the NGROUPS parameter.

Gravity Parameters

  • USE_GRAV: use gravity (this could be constant or self-gravity)

  • USE_GR: use a post-Newtonian approximation for GR gravity for the monopole solver.

  • USE_POINTMASS: include a pointmass source to the gravitational potential.

Microphysics Parameters

  • USE_DIFFUSION: enable thermal diffusion. The conductivity is set via CONDUCTIVITY_DIR, which should be a directory in the Microphysics repo.

  • USE_REACT: enable reactions. When reactions are set, we need to specify a network and an integrator. Typically these come from the Microphysics repo, but one common exception is the general_null network, which just defines a composition. The parameters that come into play here are:

    • NETWORK_DIR: the network to use. This is expected to be a subdirectory in the Microphysics repo.

    • NETWORK_INPUTS: this is the text file that we read to define the composition if we are using the general_null network (e.g., The build system will look for this file in the Microphysics repo.

    • INTEGRATOR_DIR: this is the ODE integrator to use to integrate the reaction system. This is expected to be a subdirectory in the Microphysics repo.



  • EOS_DIR: the equation of state to use. This will be a subdirectory under the Microphysics repo.

Hydrodynamics and Source Term Parameters

  • USE_ROTATION: include rotation sources

  • USE_HYBRID_MOMENTUM: have Castro evolve angular momentum in addition to linear momentum.

  • USE_SHOCK_VAR: include a variable in the State_Type StateData that marks the location of a shock.

Simulation Flow Parameters

  • USE_POST_SIM: if this is defined, then Castro will call the user-defined routine problem_post_simulation() after the full evolution of the problem has ended.

  • USE_MAESTRO_INIT: this enables the code to allow Castro to restart from a Maestro simulation. This will need to be updated in the future to allow for restarts from MAESTROeX.

  • USE_HDF5: compile in support for HDF5. This is needed for some tables used by Microphysics routines.

Tracer Particle Parameters

  • USE_PARTICLES: compile in support for tracer particles.

Build Process Procedure


At build time, there are a number of source files that are autogenerated based on the configuration of the problem. Most of these files are output into tmp_build_dir/castro_sources/Nd.COMP.OPTIONS.EXE/, where N is the dimensionality, COMP is the compiler name, and OPTIONS can be any number of options (MPI, DEBUG, …).

This is the current build system process.

  • is called

    • This processes the Castro _variables file and writes state_indices.H into the tmp_build_dir/castro_sources/ directory.

      These are used to define the size of the various state arrays and the integer keys to index each state variable.

    • The hook for this is in Make.auto_source in the build rule for state_indices.H

    • You can test this portion of the build system by doing make test_variables

  • (for general_null networks), network_properties.H is created

    • This is done by

    • The hook for this is in $(CASTRO_HOME)/Microphysics/networks/general_null/Make.package

  • Runtime parameter files for the microphysics routines are parsed by

    • This writes the routines that manage the Microphysics runtime parameters: extern_parameters.cpp and extern_parameters.H. This is output in tmp_build_dir/castro_sources/.

    • The hook for this is in Make.auto_source in the rule for extern_parameters.H

  • Castro’s runtime parameters are parsed by

    • This writes the C++ header files that manage and read the runtime parameters. These file are output in tmp_build_dir/castro_sources/.

    • The hook for this is in Make.auto_source in the rule for castro_params.H

  • Problem-specific runtime parameters are parsed by

    • If the problem directory defines a _prob_params then it is parsed and used to C++ header and source files prob_parameters.H and prob_parameters.cpp. These handle reading the problem.* parameters from the inputs file. Even without a problem-specific _prob_params, all of the variables in Castro/Source/problems/_default_prob_params will be included.

    • The script Castro/Util/scripts/ is used

    • The hook for this is in Make.auto_source in the prob_parameters.H rule.

    • These headers are output into tmp_build_dir/castro_sources/.

  • The C/C++ dependencies file is created

    • This creates the individual .d files in tmp_build_dir, one for each source file

    • A set of rules in Make.rules handles this. There is some description of what each line does in the comments of the make file

  • Output to stdout the git version of the sources, via This doesn’t affect the build process

For all of this to work, we need the tmp_build_dir/s directory to be first in the vpath, so our modified sources are found and used.