Checkpoint Embiggener

Within the Castro distribution, there is the capability to “grow” a checkpoint file so that a calculation can be restarted in a larger domain covered by grid cells a factor of two or four coarser than the existing coarsest level. Instructions for how to do so are in the Castro/Util/ConvertCheckpoint/README file and are included here. Upon restart the existing data in the checkpoint file will be used to fill the region of the previous computational domain, and the new regions will be filled by some other means, typically interpolation from a 1D model file.

Star in Corner (star_at_center = 0)

In this section we consider the case where the star (or feature of interest) is centered at the lower left corner of the domain, e.g. you are modeling only one quarter of the star in 2D, or an octant of the star in 3D. Then you only want to grow the domain in the “high side” directions (e.g., to the upper right).

Converting the Checkpoint File

Let’s say you have a checkpoint file, chk00100 with 5 levels of refinement and a (real) problem domain size \(P\) and (integer) domain size \(D\) at level 0. The inputs file that created this might have contained:

max_step = 100
amr.max_level = 5
amr.n_cell = D D
geometry.prob_lo = 0 0
geometry.prob_hi = P P
amr.ref_ratio = 4 4 4 4

Now let’s suppose that you want to grow the domain by a factor of 8 and cover that new larger domain with a level that is a factor of 2 coarser than the existing level 0 grids.

  1. First, set DIM = in the GNUmakefile, and type make in the Util/ConvertCheckpoint/ directory. This will make an executable from the Embiggen.cpp code.

  2. Run the embiggening code as follows:

    Embiggen2d.Linux.Intel.Intel.ex checkin=chk00100 checkout=newchk00050 ref_ratio=2 grown_factor=8 star_at_center=0

    (Your executable may have a slightly different name depending on the compilers you built it with.)

    This will create a new checkpoint directory, called newchk00050, that represents a simulation with one additional level of refinement coarser than the previous level 0 grids by a factor of ref_ratio (in this case, 2). The new domain will be a factor of grown_factor (in this case, 8) larger than the previous domain.


    ref_ratio must be 2 or 4, because those are the only acceptable values in Castro.

    grown_factor can be any reasonable integer; but it’s only been tested with 2, 3, 4 and 8. It does not need to be a multiple of 2.

Restarting from a Grown Checkpoint File

You should now be able to restart your calculation using newchk00050. Your inputs file should now contain lines like:

max_step = 51
amr.restart = newchk00050
amr.max_level = 6
amr.n_cell = 4D 4D
geometry.prob_lo = 0 0
geometry.prob_hi = 8P 8P
castro.grown_factor = 8
castro.star_at_center = 0
amr.ref_ratio = 2 4 4 4 4


  • Unlike earlier, you may now set amr.max_level to be at most one greater than before, but you need not set it that high. For example, you could set amr.max_level the same as before and you would lose data at the finest refinement level. You may not set amr.max_level = 0, however, because we have no data at the new level 0 until we average down from the new level 1 after the restart.

  • You must set amr.n_cell = (grown_factor / ref_ratio) \(\times\) (the previous value of amr.n_cell). In this case amr.n_cell = (8/2)*D = 4D.

  • You must set amr.prob_hi to be a factor of grown_factor greater than the previous value of amr.prob_hi.

  • You must insert the value of ref_ratio used in the Embiggen call as the first value in the list of amr.ref_ratio, since that will now be the refinement ratio between the new level 0 and the new level 1.

  • You must set castro.grown_factor in your inputs file equal to the value of grown_factor you used when you called Embiggen*ex so that Castro knows how big the original domain was.

  • Note that if you have run 100 steps at the original level 0, that would be equivalent to 50 steps at the new level 0 because you coarsened by a factor of 2. Thus once you re-start from the new checkpoint directory, the next step will be 51, not 101. Make sure to keep track of your plotfiles accordingly.

  • Don’t forget to adjust max_denerr_lev and comparable variables to control the number of fine levels you now want. If you want to have 6 levels of refinement after restart, then make sure max_denerr_lev, etc, are set high enough. If you only want to have 5 levels of refinement (where the new level 5 would now be a factor of ref_ratio coarser than the previous level 5), make sure to adjust max_denerr_lev accordingly as well.

Star at Center of Domain (star_at_center = 1)

Now let’s assume that the star (or feature of interest) is centered at the center of the domain in 2D or 3D Cartesian coordinates. We will later consider the case of 2D cylindrical (r-z) coordinates in which the star is centered at the left midpoint.

Converting the Checkpoint File

Suppose that you want to grow the domain by a factor of 2 and cover that new larger domain with a level that is a factor of 2 coarser than the existing level 0 grids.

After you build the Embiggen executable, you type:

Embiggen2d.Linux.Intel.Intel.ex checkin=chk00100 checkout=newchk00050 ref_ratio=2 grown_factor=2 star_at_center=1

Note that

  • ref_ratio must still be 2 or 4

  • grown_factor can only be 2 or 3 in this case.

Restarting from a Grown Checkpoint File

Your inputs file for restarting would now look like:

max_step = 51
amr.restart = newchk00050
amr.max_level = 6
amr.n_cell = D D
geometry.prob_lo = -P/2 -P/2
geometry.prob_hi = 3P/2 3P/2
castro.grown_factor = 2
castro.star_at_center = 1
amr.ref_ratio = 2 4 4 4 4

Cylindrical Coordinates

In the case of 2D cylindrical (r-z) coordinates in which the star is centered at the left edge but vertical midpoint of the domain, the embiggening procedure is the same as above (with star_at_center = 1) but the inputs file for restart is slightly different in that geometry.prob_lo is modified in the z- but not the r-direction. If we consider the original inputs file to look like:

max_step = 100
amr.max_level = 6
amr.n_cell = D 2D
geometry.prob_lo = 0 0
geometry.prob_hi = P 2P
amr.ref_ratio = 4 4 4 4

then an inputs file for restart would look like:

amr.restart = newchk00050
amr.max_level = 6
amr.n_cell = D 2D
geometry.prob_lo = 0 -P
geometry.prob_hi = 2P 3P
castro.grown_factor = 2
castro.star_at_center = 1
amr.ref_ratio = 2 4 4 4 4

Some results:


Fig. 8 Data from checkpoint file before and after the domain has been coarsened and grown. This case uses star_at_center = 0 and ref_ratio = 2. The first grown example has grown_factor = 2, the second has grown_factor = 3. In all figures the level 0 grids are shown in white, the level 1 grids in red, the level 2 grids in yellow, and in the grown figures, the level 3 grids are in pink.


Fig. 9 Data from checkpoint file before and after the domain has been coarsened and grown. This case uses star_at_center = 1 and ref_ratio = 2. The first grown example has grown_factor = 2, the second has grown_factor = 3. In all figures the level 0 grids are shown in white, the level 1 grids in red, the level 2 grids in yellow, and in the grown figures, the level 3 grids are in pink.