Adaptive Mesh Refinement

Our approach to adaptive refinement in Castro uses a nested hierarchy of logically-rectangular grids with simultaneous refinement of the grids in both space and time. The integration algorithm on the grid hierarchy is a recursive procedure in which coarse grids are advanced in time, fine grids are advanced multiple steps to reach the same time as the coarse grids and the data at different levels are then synchronized.

During the regridding step, increasingly finer grids are recursively embedded in coarse grids until the solution is sufficiently resolved. An error estimation procedure based on user-specified criteria (described in Section 1) evaluates where additional refinement is needed and grid generation procedures dynamically create or remove rectangular fine grid patches as resolution requirements change.

Tagging for Refinement

Castro determines what zones should be tagged for refinement at the next regridding step by using a set of built-in routines that test on quantities such as the density and pressure and determining whether the quantities themselves or their gradients pass a user-specified threshold. This may then be extended if amr.n_error_buf \(> 0\) to a certain number of zones beyond these tagged zones. This section describes the process by which zones are tagged, and describes how to add customized tagging criteria.

We also provide a mechanism for defining a limited set of refinement schemes from the inputs file; for example,

amr.refinement_indicators = dens temp

amr.refine.dens.max_level = 1
amr.refine.dens.value_greater = 2.0
amr.refine.dens.field_name = density

amr.refine.temp.max_level = 2
amr.refine.temp.value_less = 1.0
amr.refine.temp.field_name = Temp

amr.refinement_indicators is a list of user-defined names for refinement schemes. For each defined name, amr.refine.<name> accepts predefined fields describing when to tag. These are:

  • max_level : maximum level to refine to

  • start_time : when to start tagging

  • end_time : when to stop tagging

  • value_greater : value above which we refine

  • value_less : value below which to refine

  • gradient : absolute value of the difference between adjacent cells above which we refine

  • relative_gradient : relative value of the difference between adjacent cells above which we refine

  • field_name : name of the string defining the field in the code

If a refinement indicator is added, either value_greater, value_less, gradient or relative_gradient must be provided.


Zones adjacent to a physical boundary cannot be tagged for refinement when using the Poisson gravity solver. If your tagging criteria are met in these zones, they will be ignored.

Sometimes, we wish to force the code to derefine based on a criteria, even if other indicators tagged a zone for refinement. This is accomplished by created another refinement indicator and setting the derefine field to 1. For example, to derefine any zone where the density is less than 1.e4, we could do:

amr.refine.dencutoff.derefine = 1
amr.refine.dencutoff.field_name = density
amr.refine.dencutoff.value_less = 1.e4

where dencutoff is lised under amr.refinement_indicators.


Any derefinement indicators should appear after those that tag for refinement in the amr.refinement_indicators list, so it is applied after all the refinement tagging is done.

We provide also the ability for the user to define their own tagging criteria. This is done through the C++ function problem_tagging in the file problem_tagging.H. This function is provided the entire state (including density, temperature, velocity, etc.) and the array of tagging status for every zone.

Synchronization Algorithm

Here we present the AMR algorithm for the compressible equations with self-gravity. The gravity component of the algorithm is closely related to (but not identical to) that in Miniati and Colella, JCP, 2007. The content here is largely based on the content in the original Castro paper ([19]). The most significant difference is the addition of a different strategy for when to employ the synchronization; but regardless of whether the original or new strategy is used, the fundamental synchronization step is identical.

Synchronization Methodology

Over a coarse grid time step we collect flux register information for the hyperbolic part of the synchronization:

\[\delta\Fb = -\Delta t_c A^c F^c + \sum \Delta t_f A^f F^f\]

Analogously, at the end of a coarse grid time step we store the mismatch in normal gradients of \(\phi\) at the coarse-fine interface:

\[\delta F_\phi = - A^c \frac{\partial \phi^c}{\partial n} + \sum A^f \frac{\partial \phi^f}{\partial n}\]

We want the composite \(\phi^{c-f}\) to satisfy the multilevel version of ((4)) at the synchronization time, just as we want the coarse and fine fluxes at that time to match. So the goal is to synchronize \(\phi\) across levels at that time and then zero out this mismatch register.

At the end of a coarse grid time step we can define \({\overline{\Ub}}^{c-f}\) and \(\overline{\phi}^{c-f}\) as the composite of the data from coarse and fine grids as a provisional solution at time \(n+1\). (Assume \(\overline{\Ub}\) has been averaged down so that the data on coarse cells underlying fine cells is the average of the fine cell data above it.)

The synchronization consists of two parts:

  • Step 1: Hyperbolic reflux

    In the hyperbolic reflux step, we update the conserved variables with the flux synchronization and adjust the gravitational terms to reflect the changes in \(\rho\) and \(\ub\).

    \[{\Ub}^{c, \star} = \overline{\Ub}^{c} + \frac{\delta\Fb}{V},\]

    where \(V\) is the volume of the cell and the correction from \(\delta\Fb\) is supported only on coarse cells adjacent to fine grids.

    Note: this can be enabled/disabled via castro.do_reflux. Generally, it should be enabled (1).

    Also note that for axisymmetric or 1D spherical coordinates, the reflux of the pressure gradient is different, since it cannot be expressed as a divergence in those geometries. We use a separate flux register in the hydro code to store the pressure term in these cases.

  • Step 2: Gravitational synchronization

    In this step we correct for the mismatch in normal derivative in \(\phi^{c-f}\) at the coarse-fine interface, as well as accounting for the changes in source terms for \((\rho \ub)\) and \((\rho E)\) due to the change in \(\rho.\)

    On the coarse grid only, we define

    \[(\delta \rho)^{c} = \rho^{c, \star} - {\overline{\rho}}^{c} .\]

    We then form the composite residual, which is composed of two contributions. The first is the degree to which the current \(\overline{\phi}^{c-f}\) does not satisfy the original equation on a composite grid (since we have solved for \(\overline{\phi}^{c-f}\) separately on the coarse and fine levels). The second is the response of \(\phi\) to the change in \(\rho.\) We define

    \[R \equiv 4 \pi G \rho^{\star,c-f} - \Delta^{c-f} \; \overline{\phi}^{c-f} = - 4 \pi G (\delta \rho)^c - (\nabla \cdot \delta F_\phi ) |_c .\]

    Then we solve

    \[\Delta^{c-f} \; \delta \phi^{c-f} = R \label{eq:gravsync}\]

    as a two level solve at the coarse and fine levels. We define the update to gravity,

    \[\delta {\bf g}^{c-f} = \nabla (\delta \phi^{c-f}) .\]

    Finally, we need to

    • add \(\delta \phi^{c-f}\) directly to to \(\phi^{c}\) and \(\phi^{f}\) and interpolate \(\delta \phi^{c-f}\) to any finer levels and add to the current \(\phi\) at those levels.

    • if level \(c\) is not the coarsest level in the calculation, then we must transmit the effect of this change in \(\phi\) to the coarser levels by updating the flux register between level \(c\) and the next coarser level, \(cc.\) In particular, we set

      \[\delta {F_\phi}^{cc-c} = \delta F_\phi^{cc-c} + \sum A^c \frac{\partial (\delta \phi)^{c-f}}{\partial n} .\]

    The gravity synchronization algorithm can be disabled with gravity.no_sync = 1. This should be done with care. Generally, it is okay only if he refluxing happens in regions of low density that don’t affect the gravity substantially.

Source Terms

After a synchronization has been applied, the state on the coarse grid has changed, due to the change in fluxes at the coarse-fine boundary as well as the change in the gravitational field. This poses a problem regarding the source terms, all of which generally rely either on the state itself, or on the global variables affected by the synchronization such as the gravitational field. The new-time sources constructed on the coarse grid all depended on what the state was after the coarse-grid hydrodynamic update, but the synchronization and associated flux correction step retroactively changed that hydrodynamic update. So one can imagine that in a perfect world, we would have calculated the hydrodynamic update first, including the coarse-fine mismatch corrections, and only then computed the source terms at the new time. Indeed, an algorithm that did not subcycle, but marched every zone along at the same timestep, could do so – and some codes, like FLASH, actually do this, where no new-time source terms are computed on any level until the hydrodynamic update has been fully completed and the coarse-fine mismatches corrected. But in Castro we cannot do this; in general we assume the ability to subcycle, so the architecture is set up to always calculate the new-time source terms on a given level immediately after the hydrodynamic update on that level. Hence on the coarse level we calculate the new-time source terms before any fine grid timesteps occur.

One way to fix this, as suggested by Miniati and Colella for the case of gravity, is to explicitly compute what the difference in the source term is as a result of any flux corrections across coarse-fine boundaries. They work out the form of this update for the case of a cell-centered gravitational force, which has contributions from both the density advected across the coarse-fine interfaces (i.e. \(\delta \rho \mathbf{g}\), where \(\delta \rho\) is the density change due to the coarse-fine synchronization on the coarse rid), as well as the global change in the gravitational field due to the collective mass motion (see Miniati and Colella for the explicit form of the source term). This has a couple of severe limitations. First, it means that when the form of the source term is changed, the form of the corrector term is changed too. For example, it is less easy to write down the form of this corrector term for the flux-based gravitational energy source term that is now standard in Castro. Second, gravity is a relatively easy case due to its linearity in the density and the gravitational acceleration; other source terms representing more complicated physics might not have an easily expressible representation in terms of the reflux contribution. For example, for a general nuclear reaction network (that does not have an analytic solution), it is not possible to write down an analytic expression for the nuclear reactions that occur because of \(\delta \rho\).

Instead we choose a more general approach. On the coarse level, we save the new-time source terms that were applied until the end of the fine timesteps. We also save the fine level new-time source terms. Then, when we do the AMR synchronization after a fine timestep, we first subtract the previously applied new-time source terms to both the coarse and the fine level, then do the flux correction and associated gravitational sync solve, and then re-compute the new-time source terms on both the coarse and the fine level [1]. In this way, we get almost the ideal behavior – if we aren’t subcycling, then we get essentially the same state at the end of the fine timestep as we would in a code that explicitly had no subcycling. The cost is re-computing the new-time source terms that second time on each level. For most common source terms such as gravity, this is not a serious problem – the cost of re-computing \(\rho \mathbf{g}\) (for example, once you already know \(\mathbf{g}\)) is negligible compared to the cost of actually computing \(\mathbf{g}\) itself (say, for self-gravity). If you believe that the error in not recomputing the source terms is sufficiently low, or the computational cost of computing them too high, you can disable this behavior [2] using the code parameter castro.update_sources_after_reflux.

Note that at present nuclear reactions are not enabled as part of this scheme, and at present are not automatically updated after an AMR synchronization. This will be amended in a future release of Castro.

Synchronization Timing

The goal of the synchronization step is for the coarse and fine grid to match at the end of a coarse timesteps, after all subcycled fine grid timesteps have been completed and the two levels have reached the same simulation time. If subcycling is disabled, so that the coarse and fine grid take the same timestep, then this is sufficient. However, in the general subcycling case, the situation is more complicated. Consider the discussion about source terms in 2.2. If we have a coarse level and one fine level with a refinement ratio of two, then for normal subcycling the fine grid takes two timesteps for every one timestep taken by the coarse level. The strategy advocated by the original Castro paper (and Miniati and Colella) is to only do the AMR synchronization at the actual synchronization time between coarse and fine levels, that is, at the end of the second fine timestep. Consequently, we actually only update the source terms after that second fine timestep. Thus note that on the fine grid, only the new-time source terms in the second fine timestep are updated. But a moment’s thought should reveal a limitation of this. The first fine grid timestep was also responsible for modifying the fluxes on the coarse grid, but the algorithm as presented above didn’t take full account of this information. So, the gravitational field at the old time in the second fine timestep is actually missing information that would have been present if we had updated the coarse grid already. Is there a way to use this information? For the assumptions we make in Castro, the answer is actually yes. If we apply the effect of the synchronization not at the synchronization time but at the end of every fine timestep, then every fine timestep always has the most up-to-date information possible about the state of the gravitational field. Now, of course, in fine timesteps before the last one, we have not actually reached the synchronization time. But we already know at the end of the first fine timestep what the synchronization correction will be from that fine timestep: it will be equal to 1/2 of the coarse contribution to the flux register and the normal contribution to the flux register for just that timestep. This is true because in Castro, we assume that the fluxes provided by the hydrodynamic solver are piecewise-constant over the timestep, which is all that is needed to be second-order accurate in time if the fluxes are time centered [3]. So it is fair to say that halfway through the coarse timestep, half of the coarse flux has been advected, and we can mathematically split the flux register into two contributions that have equal weighting from the coarse flux. (In general, of course, the coarse flux contribution at each fine timestep is weighted by \(1/R\) where \(R\) is the refinement ratio between the coarse and fine levels.) So, there is nothing preventing us from updating the coarse solution at the synchronization time \(t^{n+1}_c\) after this first fine timestep; we already know at that point how the coarse solution will change, so why not use that information? We can then update the gravitational potential at \(t^{n+1/2}_c\) that is used to construct the boundary conditions for the gravitational potential solve on the fine grid at the beginning of the second fine timestep.

In practice, this just means calling the synchronization routine described in 2.1, with the only modification being that the flux register contribution from the coarse grid is appropriately weighted by the fine grid timestep instead of the coarse grid timestep, and we only include the current fine step:

\[\delta\Fb = -\Delta t_f A^c F^c + \Delta t_f A^f F^f\]

The form of the \(\phi\) flux register remains unchanged, because the intent of the gravity sync solve is to simply instantaneously correct the mismatch between the fine and coarse grid. The only difference, then, between the old strategy and this new method is that we call the synchronization at the end of every fine timestep instead of only the last subcycled one, and we change the weighting appropriately. This new method is more expensive as currently implemented because we have to do \(R\) gravitational sync solves, refluxes, and source term recalculations instead of only one. However, it results in maximal possible accuracy, especially in cases where significant amounts of material are crossing refinement boundaries. The reflux strategy is controlled by the parameter castro.reflux_strategy. At present the old method is still the default.

Note that one does not need to be using self-gravity for this to be beneficial. Even in pure hydrodynamics this can matter. If a regrid occurs on the fine level, new zones on the boundaries of the current fine level are filled by interpolation from the coarse level. In the old method, that interpolation is not using the most up-to-date data that accounts for the synchronization.

For multiple levels of refinement, the scheme extends naturally. In the old method, we always call the synchronization at the synchronization time between any two levels. So for example with two jumps in refinement by a factor of two, there is a synchronization at the end of the first two timesteps on level 2 (between level 1 and level 2), a synchronization after the next two timesteps on level 2 (again between level 1 and level 2), and then a synchronization between level 0 and level 1. In the new method, we always call the synchronization at the end of every timestep on the finest level only, and we simultaneously do the synchronization on every level. The timestep \(\Delta t_f\) in the flux register is just the timestep on the finest level. (If this is unclear, give it a sanity check: when the sum of all flux register totals is added up, the level 0 contribution will have a factor of \(\Delta t\) equal to the coarse grid timestep since the sum of the timesteps on the finest level over the entire advance must equal the level 0 timestep. So, the final contribution from the flux register is the same as if we had saved up the flux mismatch until the end of the level 0 timestep.) The synchronization no longer needs to be called at the end of any coarser level’s timestep because it will already be up to date as a result of the synchronizations applied at the end of the fine level timesteps.