Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Compiling fails giving me a cryptic message about a module not being found.

    This usually indicates that the build system cannot find a source file. The source files are specified in the various Make.package files throughout the Castro directory hierarchy. make will look through the directories in the VPATH_LOCATIONS to find the files.

    There are 2 things you can do to check what’s happening. First, inspect the directories in VPATH_LOCATIONS. This can be done via:

    make print-VPATH_LOCATIONS

    Next, ask make to tell you where it is finding each of the source files. This is done through a script that is hooked into Castro’s build system. You can run this as:

    make file_locations

    At the end of the report, it will list any files it cannot find in the vpath. Some of these are to be expected (like buildInfo.cpp—these are written at compile-time). But any other missing files need to be investigated.

  2. I put a copy of one of the header files (e.g. ``problem_tagging.H``) in my problem setup but it does not seem to recognized / used by the build system. Why doesn’t my executable use my custom version of the header?

    This is likely due to compiler caching / ccache. You need to clear the cache and the build:

    ccache -C
    make clean

    Then rebuild and it should be recognized.

  3. I’m still having trouble compiling. How can I find out what all of the make variables are set to?


    make help

    This will tell you the value of all the compilers and their options.


  1. Castro crashes with a floating point exception—how can I get more information?

    The best thing to do is to recompile the code with TEST=TRUE set in the GNUmakefile. This will have AMReX catch the signals raised in C++ functions. Behind the scenes, this defines the AMREX_TESTING preprocessor flag, which will initialize memory allocated in fabs or multifabs to signaling NaNs (sNaN), and use the BLBackTrace::handler() function to handle various signals raised in C++ functions. This is a Linux/UNIX capability. This gives us a chance to print out backtrace information. The signals include seg fault, floating point exceptions (NaNs, divided by zero and overflow), and interruption by the user and system. What signals are handed to AMReX are controlled by AMReX(e.g., using interruption by the user, this was once used to find an MPI deadlock.) It also includes the AMREX_ASSERTION statements if USE_ASSERTION=TRUE or DEBUG=TRUE.

    The AMReX parameters that affect the behavior are:

    • amrex.fpe_trap_invalid

    • amrex.fpe_trap_zero

    • amrex.fpe_trap_overflow

    For further capabilities, you can get more information than the backtrace of the call stack info by instrumenting the code. Here is an example. You know the line Real rho = state(cell,0); is causing a segfault. You could add a print statement before that. But it might print out thousands (or even millions) of line before it hits the segfault. Instead, you could

    std::ostringstream ss;
    ss << " = " << << " cell = " << cell;
    BL_BACKTRACE_PUSH(ss.str()); // PUSH takes std::string
    Real rho = state(cell,0);  // state is a Fab, and cell is an IntVect.

    The “print” prints to a stack of string, not stdout. When it hits the segfault, you will only see the last print out in the backtrace file (e.g. BackTrace.0).

    You may need to include the header AMReX_BLBackTrace.H.

  2. How can I monitor the state in a zone from the C side at various points in the evolution?

    Given a MultiFab mf, you can dump out the state as:

    print_state(mf, IntVect(AMREX_D_DECL(10, 20, 30)));

    Here, the IntVect has the dimension that we were compiled with (and this is handled through the preprocessor AMREX_D_DECL). In this case, we are inspecting zone (10, 20, 30), in the global index space. Note that since a multifab exists only on a single level, the integer indices here refer to the global index space on that level.

  3. What if I want to see all the data in a FArrayBox?

    You can simply output a FAB to std::cout. Imagine that you are in an MFIter loop, with a MultiFab mf:

    S = FArrayBox& mf[mfi];
    std::cout << S << std::endl;

    This will output the contents on the FAB, one zone per line.


  1. How can I get line-by-line profiling information?

    With the GNU compilers, you can enabling profiling with gprof by compiling with


    in your GNUmakefile.

    When you run, a file named gmon.out will be produced. This can be processed with gprof by running:

    gprof exec-name

    where exec-name is the name of the executable. More detailed line-by-line information can be obtained by passing the -l argument to gprof.

Managing Runs

  1. How can I force the running code to output, even it the plot or checkpoint interval parameters don’t require it?

    Create a file called dump_and_continue, e.g., as:

    touch dump_and_continue

    This will force the code to output a checkpoint file that can be used to restart. Other options are plot_and_continue to output a plotfile, dump_and_stop to output a checkpoint file and halt the code, and stop_run to simply stop the code.


    The parameter amr.message_int controls how often the existence of these files is checked; by default it is 1, so the check will be done at the end of every timestep, but you can set it to some other integer to check only timesteps that are a multiple of that number.

  2. How can I output plotfiles in single precision?

    The AMReX runtime parameter:

    fab.format = NATIVE_32

    controls this (put this in your inputs file). Note: checkpoint files are unaffected by this and will always be written out in the native precision (the ‘fab.format‘ parameter is overridden in the checkpoint code in AMReX).

  3. How can I check the compilation parameters of a Castro executable?

    The build information (including git hashes, modules, EoS, network, etc.) can be displayed by running the executable as

    ./Castro.exe --describe

Runtime Errors

  1. When running with retries, Castro requests too many substeps and crashes.

    This can occur due to CFL violations or negative densities. If there are density resets, try running with castro.limit_fluxes_on_small_dens = 1. This will use a flux limiter to prevent the density from going negative.

  2. There might be a problem when Castro tries to normalize mass fractions and encounters: ``Invalid mass fraction in Castro::normalize_species()``.

    If the error happens at the beginning of the timestep, it is possible that something unexpected happened durng the interpolation from the coarse-level to the fine-level. Try to set castro.state_interp_order = 0 in the input file. This allows piecewise constant refinement, but sacrifices some benefit of the refinement.

    If the error continues, try to increase the tolerance of determining specie abundance validity check by setting castro.abundance_failure_tolerance to a higher value, or increasing the density floor below which this is ignored by changing castro.abundance_failure_rho_cutoff.


  1. When I try to use Amrvis with the Nvidia driver, all I see is black—no data. How do I fix this?

    You need to edit your xorg.conf file (usually found in /etc/X11/ to enable the Dac8Bit option. The section will look like:

    Section "Device"
        Identifier     "Device0"
        Driver         "nvidia"
        VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
        Option         "Dac8bit" "True"

    If you don’t already have an xorg.conf then you can create one by running nvidia-xconfig first.