Timestepping and Retries

Simulation Time

There are two parameters that can define when a simulation ends:

  • max_step: maximum number of level 0 time steps (integer \(\geq 0\); default: -1)

  • stop_time: final simulation time (Real \(\geq 0\); default: -1.0)

To control the number of time steps, you can limit by the maximum number of level 0 time steps (max_step) or by the final simulation time (stop_time), or both. The code will stop at whichever criterion comes first.

Note that if the code reaches stop_time then the final time step will be shortened so as to end exactly at stop_time, not past it.

As an example:

max_step  = 1000
stop_time  = 1.0

will end the calculation when either the simulation time reaches 1.0 or the number of level 0 steps taken equals 1000, whichever comes first.

Time Step Constraints


If castro.do_hydro = 1, then typically the code chooses a time step based on the CFL number:

(2)\[\Delta t = \mathtt{CFL}\, \cdot\, \min_{i,j,k}\left[\min\left\{\frac{\Delta x}{|u|_{i,j,k}+c_{i,j,k}}, \frac{\Delta y}{|v|_{i,j,k}+c_{i,j,k}}, \frac{\Delta z}{|w|_{i,j,k}+c_{i,j,k}}\right\}\right]\]

If SDC integration is used instead, then we have

\[\Delta t = \mathtt{CFL}\, \cdot\, \min_{i,j,k}\left[\left(\frac{\Delta x}{|u|_{i,j,k}+c_{i,j,k}}\right)^{-1} + \left(\frac{\Delta y}{|v|_{i,j,k}+c_{i,j,k}}\right)^{-1} + \left(\frac{\Delta z}{|w|_{i,j,k}+c_{i,j,k}}\right)^{-1}\right]^{-1}\]

(If we are simulating in 1D or 2D, the extraneous parts related to \(v\) and/or \(w\) are removed.)

Additional Controls

The following parameters affect the timestep choice:

  • castro.cfl: CFL number (Real \(> 0\) and \(\leq 1\); default: 0.8)

  • castro.init_shrink: factor by which to shrink the initial time step (Real \(> 0\) and \(\leq 1\); default: 1.0)

  • castro.change_max: factor by which the time step can grow in subsequent steps (Real \(\geq 1\); default: 1.1)

  • castro.fixed_dt: level 0 time step regardless of cfl or other settings (Real \(> 0\); unused if not set)

  • castro.initial_dt: initial level 0 time step regardless of other settings (Real \(> 0\); unused if not set)

  • castro.dt_cutoff: as a fraction of the current simulation time, the time step below which the calculation will abort (Real \(> 0\); default: 1.e-12); typically not user-defined

As an example, consider:

castro.cfl = 0.9
castro.init_shrink = 0.01
castro.change_max = 1.1

This defines the \(\mathtt{cfl}\) parameter in (2) to be 0.9, but sets (via init_shrink) the first timestep we take to be 1% of what it would be otherwise. This allows us to ramp up to the hydrodynamic timestep at the start of a simulation. The change_max parameter restricts the timestep from increasing by more than 10% over a coarse timestep. Note that the time step can shrink by any factor; this only controls the extent to which it can grow. The dt_cutoff parameter will force the code to abort if the timestep ever drops below \(10^{-12}\) of the current time. This is a safety feature—if the code hits such a small value, then something likely went wrong in the simulation, and by aborting, you won’t burn through your entire allocation before noticing that there is an issue.

If we know what we are doing, then we can force a particular timestep:

castro.fixed_dt = 1.e-4

This sets the level 0 time step to be 1.e-4 for the entire simulation, ignoring the other timestep controls. Note that if castro.init_shrink \(\neq 1\) then the first time step will in fact be castro.init_shrink \(\cdot\) castro.fixed_dt.

castro.initial_dt = 1.e-4

sets the initial level 0 time step to be \(10^{-4}\) regardless of castro.cfl or castro.fixed_dt. The time step can grow in subsequent steps by a factor of castro.change_max each step.


If diffusion is enabled, the timestep will also be limited by:

\[\Delta t = \frac{1}{2}\min_{i,j,k}\left[\min\left\{\frac{\Delta x^2}{D_{i,j,k}}, \frac{\Delta y^2}{D_{i,j,k}}, \frac{\Delta z^2}{D_{i,j,k}}\right\}\right]\]

where \(D \equiv k / (\rho c_V)\) if we are diffusing temperature, and \(D \equiv k / (\rho c_P)\) if we are diffusing enthalpy. No input parameter is necessary to enable this constraint. See Chapter Thermal Diffusion for more details.


If reactions are enabled, the timestep will also be limited by two constraints:

\[\Delta t = \mathtt{dtnuc\_e}\, \min_{i,j,k} \left\{\frac{e_{i,j,k}}{\dot{e}_{i,j,k}}\right\}\]
\[\Delta t = \mathtt{dtnuc\_X}\, \min_{i,j,k} \left\{\min_n\frac{X^n_{i,j,k}}{\dot{X}^n_{i,j,k}}\right\}\]

where \(e\) is the internal energy, and \(X^n\) is the mass fraction of the \(n\)th species. The safety factors correspond to the runtime parameters castro.dtnuc_e and castro.dtnuc_X. These limiters say that the timestep must be small enough so that no zone can change its internal energy by more than the fraction in one step, and so that no zone can change the abundance of any isotope by more than the fraction in one step. The time derivatives \(\dot{e}\) and \(\dot{X}^n\) are estimated by calling the right-hand-side of the nuclear network given the state at the time the timestep limiter is being calculated. (We use a small number floor to prevent division by zero.) To prevent the timestep from being dominated by trace species, there is an additional option castro.dtnuc_X_threshold which is the mass fraction threshold below which a species will not be considered in the timestep constraint. and are set to a large number by default, effectively disabling them. Typical choices for these values in the literature are \(\sim 0.1\).


Subcycling with AMR means that coarser grids can take a larger timestep than finer grids. Castro supports a number of different modes for subcycling in time, set via amr.subcycling_mode.

  • amr.subcycling_mode = Auto (default): the code will run with equal refinement in space and time. In other words, if level \(n+1\) is a factor of 2 refinement above level \(n\), then \(n+1\) will take 2 steps of half the duration for every level \(n\) step.

  • If amr.subcycling_mode = None: the code will not refine in time. All levels will advance together with a timestep dictated by the level with the strictest \(dt\). Note that this is identical to the deprecated command amr.nosub = 1.

  • If amr.subcycling_mode = Manual: the code will subcycle according to the values supplied by amr.subcycling_iterations.

In the case of amr.subcycling_mode = Manual, we subcycle in manual mode with largest allowable timestep. The number of iterations at each level is then specified as:

amr.subcycling_iterations = 1 2 1 2

Here, we take 1 level-0 timestep at a time (required). Take 2 level-1 timesteps for each level-0 step, 1 timestep at level-2 for each level-1 step, and take 2 timesteps at level-3 for each level-2 step.

Alternately, we could do:

amr.subcycling_iterations = 2

which will subcycle twice at every level (except level 0).

Retry Mechanism

Castro’s Strang CTU solver has a retry mechanism that can discard a time step on a level and restart with a smaller timestep, subcycling within the level to make up the full time step needed for that level. It is enabled by setting:

castro.use_retry = 1


The Castro retry mechanism is enabled by default for CTU + Strang and Simplified SDC integration.

The number of subcycles to try in the level is controlled via the castro.max_subcycles parameter. It is not really suggested to go beyond 16—any more is usually an indication of a bigger problem.

A retry can be triggered by a number of conditions:

  • Exceeding the CFL condition for a level

  • A negative density is encountered. This check can be disabled in low density regions by setting castro.retry_small_density_cutoff to the density below which we silently reset the density to castro.small_dens.

  • The mass fractions fall outside of \([0, 1]\) – we use castro.abundance_failure_tolerance with a default value of 0.01 to trigger the retry. This check can be disabled at low densities by setting castro.abundance_failure_rho_cutoff to the density below which we want to silently renormalize the species.

  • Integration failure in the burner

    By construction, the integration routines in Microphysics will not abort if the integration fails, but instead return control to the calling function and set burn_t burn_state.success=false. This allows Castro to handle the failure.