In this chapter, we will present the GPU support in MAESTROeX, including necessary build parameters, how to offload a routine to GPU, and some basic profiling and debugging options. Note that currently MAESTROeX only supports NVIDIA GPUs.


Since MAESTROeX uses primarily CUDA C++ and CUDA Fortran, it requires a recent version of CUDA (e.g., >= 9) and the device must have compute capability of >= 6.

Building GPU Support

To build MAESTROeX with GPU support, add the following argument to the GNUmakefile:


We also need to set USE_OMP = FALSE because OpenMP is currently not compatible with building with CUDA. USE_CUDA = TRUE and USE_OMP = TRUE will fail to compile. However, you may use MPI with CUDA for additional parallelization.

Only the IBM and PGI compilers support CUDA Fortran, so the compiler should be set as:

COMP := pgi

The integrator used by the Microphysics library must be set to VODE90:


Depending on which system you are running on, it may be necessary to specify the CUDA Capability using the CUDA_ARCH flag. The CUDA Capability will depend on the specific GPU hardware you are running on. On a Linux system, the capability of your device can typically be found by compiling and running the deviceQuery script found in the CUDA samples directory: /usr/local/cuda/samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery (its exact location may vary depending on where CUDA is installed on your system). The default value of this flag is 70, corresponding to a capability of 7.x. For a device with capability 6.x, the flag should be set to:


Offloading a routine to GPU

In order to offload a routine to the GPU, we insert a #pragma gpu statement on the line before the call. This tells the preprocessor to generate a CUDA device version of the function, with all the additional CUDA GPU management. In addition to this, there are a few other modifications required to ensure the function operates correctly on the GPU. We summarize these below.


  • Make sure that the box lo and hi are the first two arguments and use AMREX_INT_ANYD as the macro wrapping bx.loVect() and bx.hiVect()

  • Likewise, inplace of AMREX_ZFILL(), use AMREX_REAL_ANYD

  • Scalars must be passed by value to Fortran functions (not by reference)

  • Make sure that you change the variable definitions in the Fortran code to include value so that the Fortran knows the variables are being passed by value rather than by reference. If you don’t do this, the code is liable to segfault

  • FArrayBox functions like setVal() and saxpy() are not on the GPU, so you should explicitly write out these operations in C++. The MultiFab counterparts are on the GPU.

  • Use BL_TO_FORTRAN_ANYD() to wrap MultiFab arguments (and in the header file wrap with BL_FORT_FAB_ARG_3D)

To illustrate these modifications, consider the function mk_sponge. To call the function on the CPU, we would write

for (MFIter mfi(sponge_mf, true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {

    const Box& tileBox = mfi.tilebox();

    mk_sponge(AMREX_ARLIM_3D(tileBox.loVect()), AMREX_ARLIM_3D(tileBox.hiVect()),
      AMREX_ZFILL(dx), &dt);

Implementing the changes described above to offload this to GPU, this becomes

for (MFIter mfi(sponge_mf, true); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {

    const Box& tileBox = mfi.tilebox();

#pragma gpu box(tileBox)
    mk_sponge(AMREX_INT_ANYD(tileBox.loVect()), AMREX_INT_ANYD(tileBox.hiVect()),
      AMREX_REAL_ANYD(dx), dt);


  • The routine must only operate on a single zone in lo:hi.

    • Even for temporary arrays, you cannot write to an i+1 zone (e.g. when doing limiting) – this will cause a race condition. If necessary, do extra computation to avoid the temporary arrays.

  • Mark the routine with !$gpu

  • If a module defines its own variables, these variables need to be allocatable (even if they are scalars) and marked as attributes(managed). Additional routines may be needed to allocate these variables before they’re used and deallocate them when they’re no longer needed.

    • Examples of this can be seen for the sponge parameters. These are marked as allocatable and attributes(managed) in sponge.F90, and therefore must be allocated (by init_sponge).

  • Temporary variables must be defined outside of function calls. E.g. if a function call contains foo(x(a:b)/y), you need to define a new variable z = x(a:b)/y then pass this into the function as foo(z).

    • If you don’t do this, you may see the error Array reshaping is not supported for device subprogram calls

  • If importing a function from another module, make sure to put the import within the function/subroutine, and put ! function at the end of the line, e.g.

use my_module, only: my_func ! function
  • Individual functions should be imported individually (so not use my_module, only: func1, func2 ! function) and there must be a space either side of the !

  • Make sure the fortran file is .F90 rather than .f90 (and remember to update the Make.xx file to reflect this). If you don’t do this, you will see the error Label field of continuation line is not blank

    • This is required as we use the convention that .F90 files are processed by the preprocessor, and .f90 files are not. The preprocessor will therefore only generate the required device function if the file has the correct extension.

We can see some of the above modifications by looking at the subroutine estdt in compute_dt.F90:

subroutine estdt(lev, dt, umax, lo, hi, dx, &
                 scal,  s_lo, s_hi, nc_s, &
         u,     u_lo, u_hi, nc_u, &
         force, f_lo, f_hi, nc_f, &
         divu,  d_lo, d_hi, &
         dSdt,  t_lo, t_hi, &
         w0_cart, w_lo, w_hi, &
         p0_cart, p_lo, p_hi, &
         gamma1bar_cart, g_lo, g_hi) bind (C,name="estdt")

   use amrex_constants_module, only: HALF
   use amrex_fort_module, only: amrex_min ! function
   use amrex_fort_module, only: amrex_max ! function

   ! input parameters
   integer  , value, intent(in   ) :: lev
   double precision, intent(inout) :: dt, umax
   integer         , intent(in   ) :: lo(3), hi(3)

   ! local variables
   double precision :: spdx, spdy, spdz, spdr, rho_min
   double precision :: fx, fy, fz, dt_temp
   double precision :: eps,denom,gradp0
   double precision :: a, b, c
   integer          :: i,j,k


   rho_min = 1.d-20

   do k = lo(3), hi(3)
      do j = lo(2), hi(2)
         do i = lo(1), hi(1)
        spdx = max(spdx ,abs(u(i,j,k,1)))


end subroutine estdt
  • Here, we can see that amrex_min and amrex_max functions from the amrex_fort_module are marked separately as ! function, which tells the preprocessor to generate a device version of this function.

  • The scalar lev is passed in by value.

  • The !$gpu directive has been inserted after the definition of all the variables passed into the routine and all the local variables, but before the main body of the function.

  • The routine only operates on values in a single zone of lo:hi.

Profiling with GPUs

NVIDIA’s profiler, nvprof, is recommended when profiling for GPUs. It returns data on how long each kernel launch lasted on the GPU, the number of threads and registers used, the occupancy of the GPU and provides recommendations for improving the code. For more information on how to use nvprof, see NVIDIA’s User’s Guide.

If a quicker profiling method is preferred, AMReX’s timers can be used to report some generic timings that may be useful in categorizing an application. To yield a consistent timing of a routine, a timer will need to be wrapped around an MFIter loop that encompasses the entire set of GPU launches contained within. For example:

BL_PROFILE_VAR("A_NAME", blp);     // Profiling start
for (MFIter mfi(mf); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
    // code that runs on the GPU
BL_PROFILE_STOP(blp);              // Profiling stop

For now, this is the best way to profile GPU codes using the compiler flag TINY_PROFILE = TRUE. If you require further profiling detail, use nvprof.

Basic GPU Debugging

  • Turn off GPU offloading for some part of the code with

... ;
  • To test if your kernels have launched, run

nvprof ./
  • Run under nvprof -o profile%p.nvvp ./ for a small problem and examine page faults using NVIDIA’s visual profiler, nvvp

  • Run under cuda-memcheck

  • Run under cuda-gdb

  • Run with CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1. This means that only one kernel will run at a time. This can help identify if there are race conditions.