namespace: maestro
parameter |
description |
default value |
Advective synchronization type 0 = do nothing 1 = average down the fluxes (thermo variables) and edge velocities 2 = use Reflux operations (thermo variables) and average down velocities |
1 |
general MAESTRO
parameter |
description |
default value |
General verbosity |
1 |
problem initialization
parameter |
description |
default value |
input model file |
“” |
Turn on a perturbation in the initial data. Problem specific. |
false |
print out HSE diagnostics as a function of r for the initial model |
false |
do we use rho, T or rho, P from the initial model to establish thermodynamics |
0 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
simulation stop time |
-1.0 |
Maximum number of steps in the simulation. |
-1 |
CFL factor to use in the computation of the advection timestep constraint |
0.5 |
the multiplicative factor (\(\le 1\)) to reduce the initial timestep as computed by the various timestep estimators |
1.0 |
the minimum allowed timestep – we abort if dt drops below this value |
1.e-10 |
The maximum scale factor that the time step is allowed to grow by per time step. |
1.1 |
This is the maximum dt that is allowed |
1.e33 |
Fix the time step. If -1.0, then use the standard time step. |
-1.0 |
If \(T_{max}^n > T_{max}^{n-1}\) set the new dt = min[dt, dt*{\tt nuclear\_dt\_fac}*( \(T_{max}^{n-1}\) / \((T_{max}^n-T_{max}^{n-1})\) ) ] for example, {\tt nuclear\_dt\_fac} = 0.01 means don’t let the max temp grow more than approximately 1 percent not checkpoint- compatible yet since it wouldn’t be backwards compatible |
-1.0 |
Use the soundspeed constraint when computing the first time step. |
false |
Use the divu constraint when computing the first time step. |
false |
parameter |
description |
default value |
Set to true if you are doing a spherical problem. |
false |
set octant = T if you just want to model an octant of a sphere (note: only takes effect for spherical geometry) |
false |
Set to true if using the 2D simplified (planar) model of an octant. |
false |
How often we regrid. |
-1 |
the number of buffer zones surrounding a cell tagged for refinement. note that this needs to be >= regrid_int |
-1 |
ratio of radial base state zones to Cartesian full state zones for spherical geometry |
1 |
The minimum size on a side for a grid created using make_new_grids. |
8 |
parameter for cluster algorithm for making new grids in adaptive problems |
0.9 |
pass \(T'\) into the tagging routines as the auxiliary multifab instead of the default $\rho H_mathrm{nuc}$. |
false |
parameter |
description |
default value |
plot interval |
0 |
small plot interval |
0 |
rather than use a plot interval, plot a file after the solution has advanced past plot_deltat in time |
-1.0 |
rather than use a plot interval, plot a small plotfile after the solution has advanced past small_plot_deltat in time |
-1.0 |
Number of timesteps between writing a checkpoint file |
0 |
rather than output a checkpoint after a fixed number of timesteps, output after the solution has advanced past chk_deltat in time |
-1.0 |
Turn on storing of enthalpy-based quantities in the plotfile when we are running with {tt use_tfromp} NOT IMPLEMENTED YET |
true |
plot species and omegadot in plotfile |
true |
plot omegadot in plotfile |
true |
plot auxiliary variables in plotfile |
false |
plot external heating (Hext) in plotfile |
false |
plot nuclear energy generation rate (Hnuc) in plotfile |
true |
plot \(\etarho\) in plotfile |
false |
plot tracers in plotfile NOT IMPLEMENTED YET |
false |
plot w0_x, w0_y, w0_z, divw0, rho0, rhoh0, h0, and p0 in plotfile |
true |
plot pi and grad(pi) |
true |
plot soundspeed |
false |
plot gravitational acceleration |
false |
prefix to use in plotfile file names |
“plt” |
prefix to use in small plotfile file names |
“smallplt” |
prefix to use in checkpoint file names |
“chk” |
number of timesteps to buffer diagnostic output information before writing (note: not implemented for all problems) |
10 |
plot the adiabatic excess |
false |
create a field in the plotfile storing the processor number for each zone |
false |
plot pi * div(U) – this is a measure of conservation of energy |
false |
small plot file variables |
“rho |
algorithm initialization
parameter |
description |
default value |
Number of initial pressure iterations. |
4 |
Number of initial divu iterations. |
4 |
Which file to restart from. Empty string means do not restart |
“” |
restart and add a level of refinement |
false |
Do the initial projection. |
true |
linear solvers
parameter |
description |
default value |
Verbsoity of the multigrid solver, but not the bottom solver. |
1 |
Verbosity of bottom solver |
0 |
Type of cycle used in the MAC multigrid – 1 = F-cycle, 2 = W-cycle, 3 = V-cycle |
3 |
Type of cycle used in the nodal multigrid – 1 = F-cycle, 2 = W-cycle, 3 = V-cycle |
3 |
4 is the fancy agglomerating bottom solver otherwise it uses the default MLMG non-agglomerating |
4 |
4 is the fancy agglomerating bottom solver otherwise it uses the default MLMG non-agglomerating |
4 |
if mg_bottom_solver == 4, then how many mg levels can the bottom solver mgt object have |
1000 |
number of smoothing iterations to do after the multigrid bottom solver |
10 |
number of smoothing iterations to do going down the V-cycle |
2 |
number of smoothing iterations to do going up the V-cycle |
2 |
In hgproject, in 2D, use a 9 point Laplacian (true) or 5-point Laplacian (false). In 3D, use a 27 point Laplacian (true) or 7-point Laplacian (false). |
true |
parameter |
description |
default value |
Use sponging. |
false |
Parameter for sponge. Problem dependent. |
10.e0 |
Center of the inner sponge. |
3.e6 |
The sponge begins at sponge_center_density * sponge_start_factor. |
3.333e0 |
plot fdamp rather than sponge assumes sponge has the form 1/(1+dt*{tt sponge_kappa}*fdamp) |
false |
The density below which we modify the constraint to look like the anelastic constraint, instead of the low Mach constraint. This prevents velocities from getting out of hand at the edge of the star. Refer to Section ref{Sec:Anelastic Cutoff}. |
-1.0 |
The density below which we keep the initial model constant. Refer to Section ref{Sec:Base Cutoff Density} |
-1.0 |
The temperature below which we disable burning |
-1.0 |
The density below which we disable burning |
-1.0 |
The density above which we disable burning |
1.e100 |
The density below which we disable heating |
-1.0 |
The density above which we disable heating |
1.e100 |
The multiplicative factor (over base_cutoff_density) below which we do zero out the buoyancy term in the momentum equation. |
5.0 |
factor in front of the volume discrepancy term (0.0 = off) |
0.0 |
are we doing 1/r\(^2\) gravity for plane-parallel |
false |
the point mass for planar 1/r\(^2\) gravity |
0.0 |
turn on (true) or off (false) basestate evolution |
true |
turn on (true) or off (false) irregularly-spaced basestate |
false |
if true, don’t call average to reset the base state at all, even during initialization |
false |
turn on (true) or off (false) basestate evolution that uses averages of cell-centered data instead of advecting |
false |
force \(\rho_0 = (\rho h)_0 = 0\), {\tt evolve\_base\_state = F} and {\tt beta\_type} = 3 |
false |
After the advective enthalpy update, recompute the enthalpy if we are below the base cutoff density. |
true |
predict_rhoh = 0; predict_rhohprime = 1; predict_h = 2; predict_T_then_rhohprime = 3; predict_T_then_h = 4; predict_hprime = 5; predict_Tprime_then_h = 6. |
1 |
Which quantities do we predict to the edges for computing the (\(\rho X\)) edge states? {\tt species\_pred\_type} = 1 means predict \(\rho^\prime\) and \(X\) separately. {\tt species\_pred\_type} = 2 means predict the full (\(\rho X\)) itself. {\tt species\_pred\_type} = 3 means predict \(\rho\) and \(X\) separately. |
1 |
turns on second order correction to delta gamma1 term |
true |
turn on the etarho term as described in flow chart |
true |
turns on pressure correction to make the top an impenetrable boundary |
false |
order of slopes in piecewise linear Godunov algorithm. Options are 0, 2, or 4. |
4 |
the gravitational acceleration (cm~s\(^{-2}\)) for plane- parallel geometry |
-1.5e10 |
0 = no ppm (piecewise linear slopes instead) 1 = 1984 ppm 2 = Hybrid Sekora/Colella and McCorquodale/Colella 2009/2010 ppm |
1 |
0 = use ppm instead for multi-d integrator 1 = bilinear |
0 |
if 1, then perform parabolic reconstruction on the forces used in the prediction and trace under the parabola to the interfaces the amount that can reach the interface over dt |
0 |
what type of coefficient to use inside the velocity divergence constraint. {\tt beta0\_type} = 1 uses \(\beta_0\); {\tt beta0\_type} = 2 uses \(\rho_0\) (anelastic); {\tt beta0\_type} = 3 uses 1 (small-scale combustion). |
1 |
how to represent gravity in the \(\beta_0\) integration: true = piecewise linear false = piecewise constant |
false |
rotational frequency used for computing centrifugal term in rotation problems. |
0.0 |
latitude, in radians, for problems with rotation where the domain is only a subset of a full star. |
0.0 |
radius used for computing centrifugal term in rotation problems |
1.0e6 |
include (true) or exclude (false) centrifugal term |
true |
maximum mach number before the code aborts |
-1.0 |
freeze the temperature used in the reaction network to the initial value. This is useful for developing an initial convective field to carry away the energy, while preventing the reactions from going nonlinear. |
false |
timestep beyond which we set {tt drive_initial_convection} = F |
-1 |
restart the simulation using a result from a {tt drive_initial_convection} = T run note that this uses the restart variable to specify which file to restart from. After reading in the velocity information from the restart file, the time and timestep number are zeroed. |
false |
modify the momentum equation to have \((\beta_0/\rho) \nabla (\pi/\beta_0)\) instead of just \((1/\rho) \nabla (\pi)\) |
true |
do we include the explicit omegadot terms in the constraint RHS source S? |
true |
thermal diffusion
parameter |
description |
default value |
Use thermal diffusion. |
false |
How to compute the explicit thermal diffusion term. 1 = in terms of \(T\); 2 = in terms of \(\rho,p_0,X\). |
2 |
In the thermal diffusion solver, 1 = Crank-Nicholson; 2 = Backward Euler. |
1 |
apply the conductivity limiting—if T, then we set the thermal coefficients all to 0 for \(\rho <\) {\tt buoyancy\_cutoff\_factor} * {\tt base\_cutoff\_density} |
false |
parameter |
description |
default value |
turn on (true) or off (false) burning |
true |
Name of the species to be used in burner threshold |
“” |
Mass fraction cutoff for burner_threshold_species used in burner threshold |
1.e-10 |
break a zone into subzones, call the burner in each subzone and then average the result to the original cell |
false |
mass fraction sum tolerance (if they don’t sum to 1 within this tolerance, we abort) |
1.e-10 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
5.e6 |
1.e-5 |
When updating temperature, use \(T=T(\rho,p_0,X) \) rather than \(T=T(\rho,h,X)\). |
false |
In deriving the temperature from the \(h\), first subtract off \(p_0/\rho\) to define \(e\), and use that as the input to the EOS. |
false |
false |
base state mapping
parameter |
description |
default value |
The interpolation for filling a cell-centered multifab from a 1D bin-centered array. 1 = piecewise constant; 2 = piecewise linear; 3 = quadratic |
3 |
The interpolation for filling a cell-centered multifab from a 1D edge-centered array. 1 = piecewise constant; 2 = piecewise linear; 3 = quadratic |
2 |
The interpolation for filling an edge based multifab from a 1D bin-centered array. 1 = Interpolate s0 to cell centers (with s0_interp_type), then average to edges; 2 = Interpolate s0 to edges directly using linear interpolation; 3 = Interpolate s0 to edges directly using quadratic interpolation. |
1 |
The interpolation for putting w0 on edges. We only compute the normal component. 1 = Interpolate w0 to cell centers (with w0_interp_type), then average to edges; 2 = Interpolate w0 to edges directly using linear interpolation; 3 = Interpolate w0 to edges directly using quadratic interpolation; 4 = Interpolate w0 to nodes using linear interpolation, then average to edges. |
1 |
diagnostics, I/O
parameter |
description |
default value |
display information about updates to the state (how much mass, momentum, energy added) |
(0, 1) |
calculate losses of material through physical grid boundaries |
0 |
how often (number of coarse timesteps) to compute integral sums (for runtime diagnostics) |
-1 |
how often (simulation time) to compute integral sums (for runtime diagnostics) |
-1.0e0 |
display center of mass diagnostics |
0 |
abort if we exceed CFL = 1 over the course of a timestep |
1 |
a string describing the simulation that will be copied into the plotfile’s {tt job_info} file |
“” |
write a final plotfile and checkpoint upon completion |
1 |
Do we want to reset the time in the checkpoint? This ONLY takes effect if amr.regrid_on_restart = 1 and amr.checkpoint_on_restart = 1, (which require that max_step and stop_time be less than the value in the checkpoint) and you set it to value greater than this default value. |
-1.e200 |
Do we want to reset the number of steps in the checkpoint? This ONLY takes effect if amr.regrid_on_restart = 1 and amr.checkpoint_on_restart = 1, (which require that max_step and stop_time be less than the value in the checkpoint) and you set it to value greater than this default value. |
-1 |
parameter |
description |
default value |
call the particle initialization, advection, etc. routines. |
false |
store the velocity of the particle? |
false |
parameter |
description |
default value |
use analytic heating |
false |
parameter |
description |
default value |
The nodal solve is non-deterministic on the GPU. Should it instead be run on the CPU to give a deterministic solution? |
false |
solver tolerances
parameter |
description |
default value |
tolerances for the initial projection |
1.e-12 |
1.e-10 |
tolerances for the divu iterations |
1.e-12 |
1.e-10 |
tolerances for the MAC projection |
1.e-10 |
1.e-8 |
1.e-3 |
tolerances for the nodal projection |
1.e-12 |
1.e-10 |
1.e-4 |